“Dando la nota” Women, gender and performances

Tàcita Muta-Grup d’Estudis de Dones i Gènere a l’Antiguitat organizes the Seminair “Dando la Nota” Women, gender and performancescles. In this upcoming conference day, several researchers will analyze the relationships between gender and performance as they have been established in different historical moments. The conferences will reflect on the spaces which women and sexual and gender dissidences have occupied in the spectacle world: it is an ambiguous space, sometimes of transgression and empowerment, but other times also a space of discipline and reaffirmation of hegemonic roles. The activity is free and open to everybody.

See the poster.

Activity details:

Saturday, 28 September, 2019 at 9h30

Sala de reunions de la Biblioteca de les Facultats de Geografia i Història i de Filosofia, Universitat de Barcelona
C/ Montalegre 6 – 08001 Barcelona

Coordination: Cristina Yúfera Molina, Araceli Rosillo Luque

Participants: Isabel Clúa, Agnès Garcia-Ventura, David Muñoz, Marc Orriols, Rosa Rius, Araceli Rosillo, Irene Serrano


Grup d’Estudis de Dones i Gènere a l’Antiguitat Tàcita Muta;
ADHUC–Centre de Recerca Teoria, Gènere, Sexualitat;
GRC Creació i Pensament de les dones (2017 SGR 588)

In collaboration with:
Institut Català de les Dones

Grup d’Estudis de Dones i Gènere a l’Antiguitat Tàcita Muta