Mission | Universitat de Barcelona School of Economics


Ramon Alemany

Dean of the Faculty

The UB School of Economics focuses its attention on four main targets:


MSc in Economics


Nowadays, our Master in Economics is the main way in to our PhD in Economics programme. The Master is entirely taught in English, and the students are mainly coming from abroad. From this academic year on, our commitment is to increase requirements and quality standards for the student admissions due to an increasing demand.

PhD in Economics


Our PhD in Economics is addressed to students interested in pursuing original research in Economics in an active, stimulating and international environment. The PhD offers a wide range of research fields, preparing students for productive careers as economists. Our programme is one of only a handful in Spain to have received the Ministry of Education’s quality award for research excellence.

Research in economics activity dissemination


The UB School of Economics aims to be an appealing window to the international academia and the activities conducted at the Faculty of Economics and Business, particularly in the economic fields: seminars, courses, workshops, etc. and the promotion of the top international research conducted. Publication in the most cited journals is also encouraged.

Job Market


In accordance with its internationalisation project, the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Barcelona hired in 2011 seven junior doctors in the Economics Job Market for the first time. Most of the UB School of Economics resources will be allocated to new contracts for researchers, in order to attract the best junior researchers and to improve our research and academic standards.