
May 22, 2013

Conference about Contact Singapore and the Singapore University of Technology and Design

The Faculty of Biology of the University of Barcelona will held a conference about Contact Singapore and the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD), which is associated to the MIT, the next May 28th from 10:30 to 12 hours. The SUTD is interested in finding PhD candidates in the last year of their doctoral studies in different fields to invite them to continue their research and academic career at…

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May 22, 2013

IEB’s Report on Fiscal Federalism

The Institut d’Economia de Barcelona (IEB) will present the Reports on Fiscal Federalism the next May 22nd 2013 at 12.00 hours in Madrid under the title Economic crisis and recentralization. Jose Antonio Martinez Alvarez, director of the IEB, will lead the conference which will include the presence of figures such as Joaquim Coello, Nuria Bosch, Albert Sole-Olle, and Santiago Lago Peñas. Please confirm your assistance at

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May 16, 2013

Grants for the program of scientific culture and innovation 2013

The Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness has opened a new edition of Grants for the program of scientific culture and innovation 2013. There are three lines of action: scientific culture and innovation; creativity and scientific vocations; and dissemination networks and communication of science and innovation. The deadline for applying is May 16th. More information can be found HERE.

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May 15, 2013

XI ELSNIT Annual Conference – Call for papers

The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), through the Integration and Trade Sector (INT), the Institute for the Integration of Latin America and the Caribbean (INTAL) and the Office in Europe (ORP/ EUR), has launched a New Call for Papers of the Euro-Latin Study Network on Integration and Trade (ELSNIT) for its XI ELSNIT Annual Conference under the title “Internationalization of SMEs” which will be celebrated in Barcelona Spain the October 17-18. The deadline for submissions…

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May 15, 2013

University of Mauritius – Call for Research Grants

The WTO Chair at the University of Mauritius has opened the 2013 edition of the Call for Research Proposals for Young African Researchers bidding for small research grants. They welcome the proposals of young African researchers (not more than 40 years of age). A maximum of three grants not exceeding US$ 4,000 will be awarded. The deadline for submitting proposals is May 15th 2013. Selected researchers will be notified by…

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May 8, 2013

Fifth Edition of the Conferences “Col·laborem?”

The Fundació Bosch i Gimpera (FBG) will celebrate the Fifth Edition of the Conferences Col·laborem? next May 8th, from 10 to 12, at the Faculty of Philosophy, Geography and History. The aim of these conferences is to improve the knowledge of the research community about the needs of the different enterprises and institutions collaborating with the University of Barcelona. This edition is especially dedicated to PhD candidates and professors in…

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May 4, 2013

Job Openings: Opportunities for PhD’s in CRISIL

CRISIL Global Research & Analytics offers PhDs job opportunities to work on Quant (Model Validation) activities. These opportunities are based in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Candidates completing their PhD in the next few months can also apply. You will find all the information HERE.

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May 1, 2013

9th NTA Congress – Call for papers

The Faculty of Economics and Business (UB) is hosting the 9th Meeting of the Working Group on Macroeconomic Aspects of Intergenerational Transfers on June 3-8. The NTA Project is a collaborative project to measure and analyze  the way resources move across age groups by means of private and public transfers or through the capital market. The 9th Meeting will be composed of an international 2 days conference (3-4 June) and…

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April 30, 2013

CASB visiting research fellows

The CASB fellows for research visitings at North American universities during one to four months have been published. These fellowships are aimed at young doctors with a professional experience not exceeding two years since obtaining their PhD. The different universities offered are:  Brown University, University of Chicago, Stanford University, Columbia University, and Northwestern University A grant will be awarded to each Catalan university participating in the program:  UB; UPC; UPF;…

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April 15, 2013

7th Kiel Institute Summer School on Econ. Policy

Next June 9-15, 2013 will take place the Kiel Institute Summer School on Economic Policy on the topic “The Challenge of Climate Engineering”. The summer school aims to provide information on the current state of developments in the field of climate engineering covering a variety of disciplines. You can apply until the 15th of April 2013. You will find all the information HERE.

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