
February 20, 2014

IVth Time Series Econometrics Workshop – Call for papers

The IVth Time Series Econometrics Workshop will be held in Zaragoza (Spain) during April 3rd-4th, 2014. The Workshop wishes to bring together academics and non-academic professional practitioners working in Time Series Econometrics, both in theoretical and applied dimensions. Interested people may consult the web page in order to send the abstracts of their papers. The deadline is February 20th, 2014.

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February 14, 2014

7th Workshop on Gender Economics – Call for papers

The 7th Workshop on Gender Economics, co-sponsored by FEDEA and COSME, will take place on May 22-23, 2014 at FEDEA, Madrid, Spain. This workshop aims to provide junior and senior researchers with a forum for presenting and discussing research in gender economics. Both theoretical and empirical papers are welcome. Please, submit your full paper online through the following LINK before February 14th 2014. More information HERE.

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February 12, 2014

SEARCH Project – Final Academic Conference

Next February 10th and 11th the Sharing Knowledge Assets Interregionally Cohesive Neigborhoods (SEARCH) Project, led by AQR research group, Final Academic Conference will take place at the Events Room of the European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed, C/ Girona 20, Barcelona). You can check out the CONFERENCE PROGRAM and te get MORE INFORMATION about SEARCH Project.

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February 10, 2014

Conference on the Local Administration Law Reform

The Barcelona Institute of Economics (IEB) organizes the Conference “La llei de reforma de l’administració local”. The event will be held at the Aula Magna in the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Barcelona on February the 10th from 9.00 to 14:00. You can find more information HERE.

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January 31, 2014

PhD Programme in Economics at the EUI in Florence – Call for applications

PhD Programme in Economics at the European University Institute (EUI) in Florence is focused to talented students that would like to continue building an academic career. Briefly, the EUI programme offers excellent opportunities for talented young economists. All EU-students admitted to the programme are awarded full financial support. A special grant programme funded by the EUI itself has been set up to finance a limited number of successful non-European candidates…

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January 31, 2014

Strengthening Efficiency & Competitiveness in the European Knowledge Economies – Call for project prop

The Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) is now accepting project proposals for the fifth funding period of its international research programme “Strengthening Efficiency and Competitiveness in the European Knowledge Economies” (SEEK). Topics to be funded: 1) Innovation, firm creation and new technologies. 2) Energy and the environment. 3) Inclusive labour markets. 4) European Fiscal and Banking Union. Deadline for submission: January 31st, 2014. More information HERE. Submission guidelines are available at

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January 30, 2014

European Research Council in Horizon 2020 – Informative session

Next January 30th (9.30am), at Cibernàrium –first floor of MediaTIC building at Barcelona (C/Roc Boronat, 117)– there will be an informative session on the new European Research Council (ERC) program, as a part of the new RDI European Union funding scheme, Horizon 2020. The session will be led by Carmen Garcia Fernández, Scientific Officer de l’European Research Council Executive Agency (ERCEA) and Esther Rodríguez, National Contact Point (NCP) of the…

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January 28, 2014

International Academic Symposium R&D on Energy in Bacelona – January 28th 2014

The Symposium R&D on Energy in Barcelona, on January 28th 2014, will bring together high ranking researchers in the field of energy economics. The  energy sector is facing major challenges in most of its activities and segments. The main challenges are related to the mitigation of climate change and increasing efficiency, and fostering innovation is crucial to meeting these challenges. More information HERE.  

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January 23, 2014

Horizon 2020 – Informative sessions

Europe in a changing world – inclusive, innovative and reflective societies UPF, FECYT and AGAUR are organizing an informative session next January 23th on the 6th challenge titled “Europe in a changing world – inclusive, innovative and reflective societies”. Horizon 2020 is the challenge-based approach funding programme for the next seven years in the European Union. More information HERE.

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January 21, 2014

ICREA Academia 2013 – Call for applications

ICREA Academia is a programme to boost the research activity of university professors who are currently giving lectures, also involved in research projects and with a promising research career. Applications can be submited until January 21st, 2014 (14h). You can have a look to ICREA Academia 2013 call HERE (in catalan).

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