
March 17, 2014

European Young Researchers’ Award – submit your application

The European Young Researchers’ Award (EYRA) is granted to researchers demonstrating outstanding research performance and leadership. At the same time, the award aims to inspire early stage and experienced researchers to incorporate a European dimension and perspective into their research. The deadline for applications is 17th March 2014. More information HERE.

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March 15, 2014

Journées Louis-André Gérard-Varet, Conference in Public Economics – Call for papers

Journées Louis-André Gérard-Varet yearly conference aims at encouraging production and diffusion of high quality research in public economics, with a special emphasis toward results that clearly contribute to shed light on various aspects of “real world” public decision making. Are especially (but not exclusively) requested papers in the categories of topics listed HERE. The submission of – at least four pages abstract – of the complete paper, must be received no later than March 15th, 2014 through

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March 10, 2014

13th session of the European School on New Institutional Economics

ESNIE 2014, the 13th session of the European School on New Institutional Economics, will be held in Cargese (Corsica) from the 19th to the 23th of May 2014. This school seeks to promote the use of rigorous methods to analyze the economics of institutions and organizations, to provide researchers with up to date synthesis on the evolutions of the research program, to develop networking and cooperation among researchers and among…

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March 8, 2014

XV Conference on International Economics – Call for papers

The Spanish Association of International Economics and Finance (AEFI) and the Department of Economics and Economic History of the University of Salamanca (Spain), organize the XV Conference on International Economics, to be held in Salamanca (Spain) on June 26th and 27th, 2014. Papers can be submitted until March 8th 2014. More information HERE.

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March 3, 2014

Call for grants – Becas Iberoamérica. Jóvenes Profesores e Investigadores. Santander Universidades

The call  “Becas Iberoamérica. Jóvenes Profesores e Investigadores. Santander Universidades” offers 200 grants for young researchers (preferably younger than 35) to finance with 5.000 euros 2-months research stages at Iberoamerican universities and  research centers. Applications must be submitted through before March 3rd 2014. You can check the call guidelines HERE (in Spanish).

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March 1, 2014

63rd Annual Meeting of the French Economic Association

The 63th Annual Meeting of the French Economic Association (AFSE) will be held in Lyon (France) on June 16-18, 2014, organized by the GATE-LSE research center. You are invited to submit a full-length paper no later than March 1st, 2014. Papers in any subfield of economics and papers influenced by the methodologies of other sciences are welcome. Presentations will be exclusively in English. You can find more information HERE.

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February 24, 2014

Grants for innovation, entrepreneurship & growth experiments

Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation and Nesta is offering a grant programme that provides funding and project management support to researchers and programme delivery organizations interested in undertaking randomized controlled trials that relate to innovation and high-growth entrepreneurship. Closing date of applications: Monday 24th February 2014, 5pm. More information HERE.

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February 24, 2014

“La Caixa” 2014 PhD grants for Spanish students

“la Caixa” Foundation is opening a new grant call [Spanish version] for Spanish students starting next academic course 2014-2015 and finally defending their PhD thesis in a Spanish University awarded with the Ministry of Education’s Pathway to Excellence. It must be pointed out that our Doctoral program in Economics is one of only a small number of programs in the whole of Spain with this distinction. Hence, Spanish students interested on…

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