
June 23, 2015

Empirics of Management: An Academic Excellence Programme at LSE

Empirics of Management: An Academic Excellence Programme at LSE´ in collaboration with the Fundación Rafael del Pino, taking place Monday 7th – Friday 11th September 2015, combines the best of LSE´s world class teaching and research in the field in a specially-designed format for young academics in Spain who have a strong background in economics, finance or other related social sciences. You must complete the registration form before Monday 13th July 2015. Further information…

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June 23, 2015

RSAI/ERSA 2015 Barcelona Workshop on Regional and Urban Economics – Call for papers

AQR-IREA is pleased to announce the RSAI/ERSA 2015 Barcelona Workshop on Regional and Urban Economics, to be held in Barcelona on November 26th-27th 2015. The workshop will be focused on Spatial Perspectives of Human Capital. Its aim is to bring together researchers in urban and regional economics who are working in topics where the broad concept of human capital plays a fundamental role.  More information can be found HERE. Papers…

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June 18, 2015

2nd IEB Meeting on transport economics and infrastructure – Call for papers

The aim of this IEB meeting is to discuss recent research in the area of transport and infrastructure economics. The meeting will focus on issues related to pricing, investment and competition, but research papers in other areas of transport economics and infrastructure analysis, both from empirical and theoretical perspectives, are also welcome. Papers should be sent to by October 12, 2015. More information about this event HERE.

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June 12, 2015

23rd Public Economics Meeting – Call for papers

The research group GEN at the University of Vigo is pleased to announce the 23rd Public Economics Meeting that will take place on February 4 and 5, 2016 at the Faculty of Business and Tourism in Ourense (Galicia). This year’s topic will be “Public Policy in a Decentralized Context”. The Scientific and Local Organizing Committees invite submissions of original works on any topic in the field Public Economics, by Conference Maker,…

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April 30, 2015

PhD Scholarship Energy 2015 – Call for applications

The Barcelona Institute of Economics (IEB) and the Chair of Energy Sustainability (University of Barcelona) offer 1 PhD Scholarship for 3 years (with possible extension), starting September 2015. This scholarship is for students who have graduated after 2011 and who aim at enrolling on the PhD program in Economics (University of Barcelona). The candidates must have a Master in Economics completed by summer 2015 and apply to the PhD program in…

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April 23, 2015

Postdoc position at GATE (Saint-Etienne University, France)

The GATE (Economic Analysis and Theory Research Group) is offering a 12 months postdoc position in Saint-Etienne. The postdoc researcher will integrate the GATE research team located at Saint-Etienne. She/he will take part in an ongoing research project aiming at identifying the effects of interjurisdictional agreements on the supply of commercial/industrial land and its spatial distribution among jurisdictions. A focus will be put on the impact of the interjurisdictional governance,…

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April 16, 2015

GESS/GESY Summer School 2015

The Collaborative Research Center SFB/TR 15 Governance and the Efficiency of Economic Systems (GESY) and the Graduate School of Economic and Social Sciences (GESS), University of Mannheim, are pleased to announce a joint Summer School for postgraduate students, postdocs and junior faculty. The 2015 Summer School will, titled ‘Empirical Analysis of Markets with Asymmetric Information‘ take place August 2-7 at the Bronnbach Monastery in Germany, held by a leading economist in the…

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April 14, 2015

Barcelona Frontier Research in Economic and Social History (FRESH) Meeting – Call for papers

On December 3-4, 2015, Facultat d’Economia i Empresa, Universitat de Barcelona will host a Frontier Research in Economic and Social History (FRESH) meeting. The broad theme of the meeting is “Economic History of Education”. Keynote Speakers will be David Mitch (UMBC Maryland) and Francesco Cinnirella (Ifo Institute, CESifo, CEPR, and CAGE). Local Organizers are Alfonso Herranz and Sergio Espuelas. FRESH Organizers: Rowena Gray, Paul Sharp and Martin Uebele. The deadline…

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February 13, 2015

VI Workshop on Economics of Education: Competences’ Acquisition, Skills & the Labour Market – Call for papers

The IEB (Barcelona Institute of Economics) organizes the VI Workshop on Economics of Education: Competences’ Acquisition, Skills & the Labour Market that will take place next September 9th-10th 2015 at the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Barcelona. Keynote speakers will be Guido Schwerdt (University of Konstanz, Germany) and Rolf Van der Velden (Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market – Maastricht University). Deadline for submission of…

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February 12, 2015

Summer School in Computational Economics – University of Cagliari

The Department of Economics and Business at the University of Cagliari organizes the Summer School in Computational Economics in Cagliari, Sardinia, from the 6th to the 10th of July 2015. The school consists of two courses, both at PhD level, aimed at PhD students, assistant professors, practitioners in central banks and international institutions. They are ‘Continuous-time Methods for Economics and Finance’, taught by Galo Nuño (Banco de España), and ‘Introduction to simulation…

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