
September 2, 2016

1st Catalan Economic Society Conference – Call for Papers

The Catalan Economic Society (CES) and the Scientific Committee have launched an open call for papers for the 1st Catalan Economic Society Conference (CESC), which will take place at the Institut d’Estudis Catalans (IEC) in Barcelona on May 26th-27th, 2017. The organisers encourage submissions in all fields of economics. Submissions must include complete drafts with abstracts and have to be processed electronically via the Conference Maker. Authors of submissions from PhD…

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September 2, 2016

Experimental survey design for young researchers – Call for Proposals

Netquest and the Political Science Experimental Research Network POLEXP have launched a call for proposals for experimental survey design for young researchers. The awarded proposals will be included in an online survey funded by the network. Only master and PhD students and young doctors (PhD awarded after January 1st, 2014) who have completed their studies at an Spanish university are eligible. Candidates may submit their proposals until September 17th, 2016,…

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September 1, 2016

Predoctoral mobility grant – Call for Applications

The Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness has announced a call for applications for mobility grants for students granted with an FPI scholarship. This will facilitate short-term stays in R&D centres with a minimum duration of two months and a maximum duration of four months during 2017. The objective of this grant is to improve training and help developing their doctoral theses. Applications are due to open on September 6th, 2016….

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August 31, 2016

Collaboration grant in university departments – Call for Applications

The Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports has announced 2,356 scholarships for students in their final undergraduate year or their first year of an official master during the academic year 2016-2017. Beneficiaries will collaborate with university departments and may therefore initiate research tasks directly related to their studies. Successful candidates will have to work 3 hours a day for 7 months from the date of their joining. The total amount…

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August 24, 2016

The UB is once again the only Spanish university included in the world’s top 200 universities

The University of Barcelona (UB) is considered one of the best 200 universities in the world according to the Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU), a classification also known as the Shanghai Ranking. This is the third consecutive year that the centre has been located between positions 151 and 200 and it is the only Spanish institution included in the ranking, which is headed by American universities. The top European university…

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August 24, 2016

UB’s Alfonso Herranz and Amedeo Piolatto granted BBVA’s funding for research

University of Barcelona’s researchers Alfonso Herranz Loncán and Amedeo Piolatto have been granted funding from the Fundación BBVA to undertake research projects. BBVA’s funding amounts to a maximum of 40.000 euros per project. A total of 60 scholarships have been awarded in the 2016 call. Herranz Loncán is a senior lecturer at the Faculty of Economics and Business. His research interest include infrastructure and growth and history of public policies….

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July 29, 2016

European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grants – Call for Applications

The call for applications for the 2017 European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grants is now open. These are designed to support excellent Principal Investigators at the career stage at which they are starting their own independent research team or programme. Starting Grants may be awarded up to a maximum of €1,500,000 for a period of five years. The Principal Investigator shall have been awarded his/her first PhD at least 2…

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July 28, 2016

Mobility grants for Erasmus professors – Call for Applications

The University of Barcelona has announced that it will award up to 55 mobility grants for UB professors in the framework of the Erasmus+ programme in order to carry out university teaching at a foreign public or private institution, such as universities, research centres or companies, among others. Eligible candidates need to either be European or be permanent residents. They also need to be professors at the University of Barcelona…

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July 22, 2016

Postdoctoral position at the University of Lisbon

The School of Social and Political Sciences (ISCSP) of the University of Lisbon offers a postdoctoral position to study public policies and child labour in Portugal and Portuguese colonies (1870-1975). The postdoctoral researcher will have the opportunity to strengthen his CV with experience and publications on areas such as Economic History, Labour Economics, Economics of Education, Public Policies, Development Economics or African Studies. The ideal candidate should be able to…

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July 18, 2016

Latest MSc and PhD theses available through the UB’s digital repository

A selection of MSc in Economics theses and all PhD in Economics theses are available through the University of Barcelona’s digital repository. Tania Fernández Navía, Fabian Thiel and Pablo Sanz Fernández have recently published their master’s theses. All three achieved exceptionally high grades in their master thesis defense last June. “Estimating the Heterogeneous Response to a Universal Child Benefit Programme: Do Education and Civil Status Play any Role?” by Tania Fernández…

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