
September 30, 2016

Programme is now available for the 2016 Barcelona Workshop on Regional and Urban Economics

The provisional programme for the 2016 Barcelona Workshop on Regional and Urban Economics is now available on the meeting’s webpage. The workshop will be held in Barcelona on October 27th-28th, 2016. It includes three contributed sessions and two keynote lectures by Maryann Feldman (Department of Public Policy at the University of North Carolina) and Karen Maguire (Regional Innovation Unit, OECD). The workshop will be focused on innovation and the spatial…

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September 29, 2016

Universia helps university students to find scholarships

A free scholarship search engine is available for pre-university, undergraduate and postgraduate students on Universia’s webpage. This tool, developed by the Latin American network of university collaboration Universia, which has the support of Banco Santander, helps students to find scholarships that fit each case. Specifically, it allows users to filter searches by type of scholarship, institution, destination and origin of the applicant. It also allows students to search by keywords….

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September 29, 2016

The University of Barcelona welcomes new PhD students in Economics

The Faculty of Economics and Business will host on October 17th, 2016, a Welcome Session for new PhD students in Economics at the University of Barcelona. More than ten students have registered on the doctoral programme in the 2016/17 academic year. The session will begin with a presentation of the programme by Elisabet Viladecans, Director of the PhD, followed by a brief speech by a current PhD student and a…

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September 29, 2016

Pol Campos-Mercade awarded the MSc in Economics extraordinary prize

The University of Barcelona has awarded the MSc in Economics extraordinary prize to Pol Campos-Mercade, who graduated in 2015. This award recognises the outstanding grades in his academic record. His master thesis “An Economic Study on Helping Behavior and Group Size” is available at the UB’s Digital Repository. Campos-Mercade is now a PhD student at the Lund University School of Economics and Management, where he has been recruited by the…

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September 23, 2016

Conference in Behavioural Economics and Financial Literacy – Call for Papers

Submissions of papers on all aspects of behavioural economics and financial literacy are invited Conference in Behavioural Economics and Financial Literacy, which will be held in Barcelona on November 28th-29th, 2016, at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC). Submissions may be in the form of completed papers or extended abstracts. The aim of this conference is to bring together both empirical and theoretical researchers on all aspects of behavioural economics…

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September 22, 2016

International Fair at the Faculty of Economics and Business

The first International Fair at the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Barcelona will showcase internationalisation opportunities for bachelor and master students. These include periods of study at other institution, thanks to Erasmus+, CINDA and other agreements; international internships; university courses in English; and other courses or activities organised by the Language Services or the School of Modern Languages (EIM). The International Fair, organised by the International…

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September 21, 2016

David Castells-Quintana awarded the UB Extraordinary Doctoral Prize

David Castells-Quintana, PhD in Economics at the University of Barcelona, has been awarded the UB Extraordinary Doctoral Prize 2015/2016 for his thesis ‘Three Empirical Essays on Concentration of Resources and Economic Growth‘. This award recognises the quality of some of the theses defended at the UB, which obtained the grade Excellent Cum Laude. The ceremony will take place at the Paranimf of the Historic Building of the University of Barcelona…

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September 16, 2016

The Faculty of Economics and Business welcomes six new postdoctoral researchers

Six new postdoctoral researchers from leading institutions were officially welcomed this week to theFaculty of Economics and Business by the Dean, Elisenda Paluzie. The UB Economics faculty has been joined by four new researchers, while two were recruited for the UB Business faculty. Federico Tadei, Aydan Dogan, Luis Ortiz and Zelda Brutti will work in the field of Economics. On the other hand, Patricia Elgoibar and Elio Shijaku will join forces with the rest of Business researchers. Since 2011, twenty-seven postdoctoral researchers…

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September 15, 2016

Enrique Fuentes Quintana Doctoral Thesis Award – Call for Submissions

The Spanish private non-profit organisation Funcas invites submissions for its Enrique Fuentes QuintanaDoctoral Thesis Award. In the area of Social Sciences only thesis awarded the highest honors in the field ofEconomics, Business and Sociology that were defended between September 1st, 2015, and 31st August, 2016, are eligible for the prize. The successful candidate will receive a gross amount of €5,000 and his/her thesis will be published in the Estudios de…

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September 15, 2016

University of Leicester PhD Conference 2016 – Call for Papers

The University of Leicester invites submission of papers on Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Behavioural Economics, Experimental Economics and Econometrics for its 3rd PhD Conference, which will take place on December 1st-2nd, 2016. There will be also a poster session that will close the Conference and give to the applicants the opportunity to discuss their work with all the Conference participants. Full funding is being offered to all presenters and discussants. The university…

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