This webpage contains information about open academic positions at the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Barcelona. You will also find our PhD candidates who are seeking jobs for the next academic year. The Placement Officer can convey additional information on individual candidates. You can also contact the Placement Assistant if you require a packet of materials (vita, paper and recommendation letters).
Candidate | Abhinav Khemka | View detailed profile | |
Research interests | Political Economy | Development Economics | ||
Job Market Paper | Manipulating the System: Clientelism and Criminality in Politics |
Candidate | Àlex Izquierdo | View detailed profile | |
Research interests | Economics of Education | Microeconomics | Public Economics | ||
Job Market Paper | The cost of friendship: Who is a better working parter? |
Candidate | Hamza Benazzi | View detailed profile | |
Research interests | Economic Growth | Macroeconomics | ||
Job Market Paper | Marry for Money or Time? Explaining New Marriage Trends in the U.S. |
Candidate | Marianna Magagnoli | View detailed profile | |
Research interests | Transport Economics | Urban Economics | ||
Job Market Paper | The price of silence |
Candidate | Theodoros Saroglou | View detailed profile | |
Research interests | Behavioral and Experimental Economics | ||
Job Market Paper | High Hopes or Hard Truths? Expectations, Merit Beliefs, and Redistribution Preferences |
Speaker: Clément Staner (ECARES, Université libre de Bruxelles) Title: Frustration and Personal Motivation Place: Room 2302, 696 Building Time: 12:15 |
Speaker: Giorgio Pietrabissa (CEMFI) Title: School Access and City Structure Place: Room 1038, 690 Building Time: 14:30 |
Speaker: David Lowing (Paris-Saclay University) Title: Cost allocation in energy distribution networks Place: Room 1038, 690 Building Time: 12:30 |
Speaker: Vasundhara Mallick (Pennsylvania State University) Title: How Markets Disrupt Mediated Trade Place: Room 2302, 696 Building Time: 12:15 |
Speaker: Federica Braccioli (Barcelona School of Economics) Title: The Institutional Role of the Italian Mafia: Enforcing Contracts When the State Does Not Place: Room 1038, 690 Building Time: 14:30 |
Speaker: Oihane Gallo (University of Lausanne) Title: Edit Anonymity and strategy-proofness on a domain of single-peaked and single-dipped preferences Place: Room 1038, 690 Building Time: 12:30 |
Speaker: Jacopo Gambato (University of Mannheim) Title: Consumer Search and Firm Strategy with Multi-Attribute Products Place: Room 2302, 696 Building Time: 12:15 |
Speaker: David Zuchowski (University of Duisburg-Essen) Title: Migration response to an immigration shock: Evidence from Russia's aggression against Ukraine Place: Sala de Recepcions, 690 Building Time: 14:30 |
Speaker: Margarita Kirneva (Institut Polytechnique de Paris) Title: Informing to Divert Attention Place: Room 1037, 690 Building Time: 12:30 |
Speaker: Filippo Pavanello (University of Bologna) Title: Adapting to Heat Extremes with Unequal Access to Cooling: Evidence from India Place: Room 1038, 690 Building Time: 14:30 |
Speaker: Peter Bayer (Toulouse School of Economics) Title: Evolutionarily stable networks Place: Room 1038, 690 Building Time: 12:30 |
Speaker: Antonio Avila-Uribe (London School of Economics) Title: The effect of air pollution on US aggregate production Place: Room 1038, 690 Building Time: 14:30 |
Speaker: Françeska Tomori (Vienna University of Economics and Business and Universitat Rovira i Virgili) Title: Market power in California's water market Place: Room 1038, 690 Building Time: 12:30 |
Speaker: Guglielmo Ventura (London School of Economics) Title: On Track to Success? Returns to Vocational Education against different Alternatives Place: Room 1038, 690 Building Time: 14:30 |
Speaker: Enrico Rubolino (University of Lausanne) Title: Market Externalities of Tax Evasion Place: Sala de Recepcions, 690 Building Time: 14:30 |
Speaker: Maria Alexandra Castellanos (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid) Title: Immigration, Parenthood and Child Penalties Place: Sala de Recepcions, 690 Building Time: 14:30 |
Speaker: Tetyana Surovtseva (New York University of Abu Dhabi) Title: Gender, Careers, and Peers' Gender Mix Place: Room 1038, 690 Building Time: 14:30 |
Speaker: Miguel Risco (Bonn Graduate School of Economics) Title: Feed for good? On the effects of personalization algorithms in social platforms Place: Room 2302, 696 Building Time: 12:15 |
Speaker: Chiara Santantonio (LUISS Guido Carli) Title: When Women Win: Can Female Representation Decrease Gender-Based Violence? Place: Room 1038, 690 Building Time: 14:30 |
Speaker: Caroline Coly (Bocconi University) Title: When Women Win: Can Female Representation Decrease Gender-Based Violence? Place: Online. Join the online seminar HERE. Time: 14:30 |
Speaker: Carolina Concha Arriagada (Georgetown University) Title: Should I Stay, or Should I Go? Strategic Responses to Improve College Admission Chances Place: Online. Join the online seminar HERE. Time: 15:00 |
Speaker: Dalila Figueiredo (European University Institute) Title: The Effect of a Conditional Cash Transfer on Child Marriage: Evidence from Mexico Place: Room 1037, 690 Building Time: 14:30 |
Speaker: Goonj Mohan (Bocconi University) Title: The Data Economy and Polarization on Social Media Place: Room 2302, 696 Bulding. Time: 12:15
Speaker: Boris Knapp (University of Vienna) Title: Fake Reviews and Naive Consumers Place: Room 2302, 696 Bulding. Time: 12:15
Speaker: Eliza Stenzhorn (University of Bremen) Title: Lock-In Effects in Online Labor Markets Place: Room 2302, 696 Bulding. Time: 12:15 |
Speaker: Maximiliano Javier Sosa Andrés (Uppsala University) Title: Legal uncertainty and its consequences: A natural language processing approach Place: Room 1037, 690 Building. Time: 14:30 |
Speaker: Sveva Vitellozz (University of Trento) Title: Under Pressure: the impact of mental load on women’s labor productivity and occupational choices – experimental evidence from Kenya Place: Room 1037, 690 Building. Time: 14:30 |
Speaker: Ander Iraizoz (Paris School of Economics) Title: Saving for Retirement through the Public Pension System: Evidence from the Self-Employed in Spain Place: Room 1038, 690 Building. Time: 14:30 |
Speaker: Daniel Martins de Almeida Barreto (Sciences Po) Title: Price Discrimination with Redistributive Concerns Place: Room 2302, 696 Building. Time: 12:15 |
Speaker: Konuray Mutluer (European University Institute) Title: Leading by Example Among Equals Place: Room 2302, 696 Building. Time: 12:15 |
Speaker: Laura Muñoz Blanco (Trinity College Dublin) Title: Shifting Marriage Timing for Women: Destructive Events and Forced Displacement Place: Room 1038, 690 Building. Time: 14:30 |
Speaker: Katherina Thomas (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) Title: How to close the skill gap? Parental Background and Children’s Skill Development in Indonesia Place: Room 1037, 690 Building. Time: 14:30 |
Speaker: David Puig (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) Title: Taste for Variety: An Intertemporal Choice Model Place: Room 1037, 690 Buildiing Time: 12:15 |
Speaker: Nicolás Roig (University of Southern California) Title: Adolescent Fertility and Reproductive Rights: Impacts of Argentina’s Unintended Pregnancy Prevention Plan Place: Online. Join the online seminar HERE. Time: 17:30 |
Anastasia Terskaya | Anastasia joined the Department of Public Economics, Political Economics and Spanish Economy Section as a visiting professor. She has previously worked at University of Navarra, and she obtained her PhD in Economics from the University of Alicante in 2020. She is working in the area of Economics of Education, Health Economics, and Labour & Demographic Economics. |
Sara Solanilla | Sara joined the Department of Economics as a postdoctoral researcher. She received her PhD in Mathematical Finance and applied to Energy Markets from the University of Oslo in 2015. She has previously worked at companies like Zurich Insurance Company or VidaCaixa, and she was an associate lecturer at the UB in 2020. Her main fields of research are Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Mathematical Economics, and Risk and Insurance. |
Bruno Ricardo Delalibera | Bruno joined the Department of Economics as an assistant professor. He has previously worked at Getulio Vargas Foundation FGV EPGE, and he obtained his PhD in Economics from FGV in 2018. He is working in the area of Development Economics, Economic Growth, and Macroeconomics. |
Maria Marino | Maria joined the Department of Econometrics, Statistics, and Applied Economics (Public Policies) as an assistant professor. She obtained her PhD in Economics, Law, and Institutions from the University of Rome Tor Vergata in 2015. She has previously served in organizations such as the University of Palermo, University of Firenze, and the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Her main fields of research are Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Political Economy, and Public Economics. |
Weifeng Jin | Weifeng is a PhD candidate in Economics at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. He will join the Department of Econometrics, Statistics, and Applied Economics at UB as a postdoctoral researcher. He is working in the area of Financial Econometrics, and Regional Economics. |
Alessandro Di Nola | Alessandro joined the Department of Economics as a postdoctoral researcher. He received his PhD in Economics from Bocconi University in 2015. He has previously worked at the University of Konstanz as a postdoctoral researcher. His main field of research is Macroeconomics. |
Olga Chiappinelli | Olga joined the Department of Economics (section of Economic Theory) as a Serra Húnter assistant professor. She has previously worked at DIW Berlin and the Berlin School of Economics. She received her PhD in Economics from IMT Lucca in 2015. She is working in the area of Industrial Organization, Regulation Economics, and Environmental and Resource Economics. |
Oriol Tejada Pinyol | Oriol is an associate professor at the Department of Economic, Financial and Actuarial Mathematics. He received his PhD in Economics from the University of Barcelona in 2011. Oriol has been a postdoctoral researcher and senior assistant at the ETH Zurich, Switzerland. His research interests are Behaviour, Games and Risk, Game Theory, Political Economy, and Public Economics and Policy Analysis. |
Rafael Serrano Quintero | Rafael is a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Economics. He received his PhD in Economics from the University of Alicante in 2021. His main fields of research are Economic Growth, Trade and Spatial Economics, and Macroeconomics. |
Rosa Sanchis Guarner | Rosa joined the Department of Economics as a Serra Húnter assistant professor. She is also a research network member in Economics of Digitization Area at the CESifo Group Munich. Previously, she worked as a research fellow at the QMUL School of Economics and Finance, as a British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow at the Imperial College Business School and as a research associate at the LSE Centre for Economic Performance Urban Programme. She received her PhD in Spatial and Urban Economics from the London School of Economics in 2012. Her research fields are Urban Economics, Labour & Demographic Economics, Public Economics and and Policy Analysis. |
Oriol Sabaté Domingo | Oriol joined the Department of Economic History, Institutions and Politics, and World Economy as a Beatriu de Pinós Fellow. He has previously worked as a postdoctoral researcher at Lund University and the University of Leicester. He obtained his PhD in Economic History from the University of Barcelona in 2015. His main research interests are Economic History, Public Economics, and Political Economy. |
Jenifer Ruiz Valenzuela | Jenifer is an assistant professor at the Department of Economics. She is also a researcher at the Barcelona Institute of Economics (IEB), and research associate at the Centre for Economic Performance at the London School of Economics (LSE). Previously, she worked at the Bank of Spain, at the Economics Department of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), and at the Centre for Vocational Education Research (CVER) and the Centre for Economic Performance (CEP) of the LSE. She received her PhD in Economics from the European University Institute in 2014. Her research fields are Economics of Education, Labour & Demographic Economics, and Public Economics and Policy Analysis. |
Laia Maynou Pujolras | Laia joined the Department of Econometrics, Statistics and Applied Economics as a Serra Húnter assistant professor. She is also a visiting fellow at the Department of Health Policy at the London School of Economics and Political Science, and associate researcher at the Centre for Health and Economics (CRES) at Pompeu Fabra University. She received her PhD in Law, Economics and Business from the University of Girona in 2013. Her main fields are Health Economics, Public Economics, and Policy Analysis. |
Julio Martínez Galarraga | Julio is an associate professor at the Department of Economic History, Institutions and Policy and World Economy. He received his PhD in Economic History at the University of Barcelona in 2010. He has been associate professor at the University of Valencia from 2011 to 2021, his research interests being Economic history, Regional economics and economic geography, Education and inequality. |
Caio Lorecchio | Caio will join the Department of Economics as a postdoctoral researcher. He received his PhD in Economics from Sao Paulo School of Economics – Fundação Getúlio Vargas. During the academic year 2019-2020 he was visiting PhD student at the University of Texas at Austin. His main field of research is Microeconomics and Game Theory. |
Cristina Lopez-Mayan Navarrete | Maria Cristina joined the Department of Econometrics, Statistics and Applied Economics as a Serra Húnter assistant professor. She has previously worked at the Autonomous University of Barcelona and at Euncet Business School (Polytechnic University of Catalonia). She received her PhD in Economics from CEMFI in 2010. Her research fields are Economics of Education, Labour & Demographic Economics, Public Economics, and Policy Analysis. |
Daniel Cetrà | Daniel is a Beatriu de Pinós postdoctoral researcher at the Institutions and Political Economy Research Group (IPERG). He received his PhD in Political Sociology from the University of Edinburgh in 2016. Previously, he has been lecturer at the University of Aberdeen and guest lecturer at the University of Edinburgh. His main fields of research are Public Economics and Policy Analysis. |
Mattia Borsati | Mattia joined the UB Faculty of Economics and Business as a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Econometrics, Statistics and Applied Economics. He received his PhD in Economics and Management from the University of Trentoin 2020. He has previously served as an academic fellow at Bocconi University. His main fields of research are Transport Economics, Regional Economics, and Policy Analysis. |
Elisabetta Aurino | Elisabetta will join the Department of Economic History, Institutions and Policy and World Economy as an assistant professor. She has previously worked at the Department of Economics and Public Policy of the Imperial College Business School, and at the University of Oxford. She received her PhD in Development Economics from Roma Tre University in 2013. During the academic year 2020-2021, she has been a visiting scholar at the Department of Economics and Business at University Pompeu Fabra. She is working in the area of Health Economics. |
Ata Atay | Ata joined the Department of Mathematical Economics, Finance, and Actuarial Sciences as a Serra Húnter assistant professor. He has previously worked at the Corvinus University of Budapest, Institute of Economics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Center for Research in Economics at the UCLouvain Saint-Louis Bruxelles and Center for Operations Research and Econometrics at the UCLouvain, and at UNED. He completed his PhD in Economics from the University of Barcelona in 2017. His research fields are Game Theory, Mathematical Economics, and Operations Research. |
Maria Carmela Catone |
Maria Carmela Catone graduated in Public and Business Communication at the University of Salerno and was awarded a PhD in Methodology of Social Research from the University of Florence. Since 2015 he has been a research fellow at the Department of Political, Social and Communication Sciences of the University of Salerno. |
Marc Guinjoan | Marc Guinjoan is a new postdoctoral researcher at the Institutions and Political Economy Research Group (IPERG). He received his PhD in Political Sciences at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra in 2012. His research interests are focused on political behaviour, elections, electoral systems, party strategies and populism, as well as on processes of decentralisation, identities, the theories of system justification and political psychology. |
Ingrid Mauerer | Ingrid Mauerer is a new postdoctoral researcher at the Institutions and Political Economy Research Group (IPERG). She received her PhD in Political Science and Statistics in 2016 from the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich. Her research interests lie in statistical modeling of political behavior and preference formation. She has specialised in categorical data analysis and discrete choice modeling as well as policy-based voting and party competition. |
Maayan Mor | Maayan Mor is a new postdoctoral researcher at the Institutions and Political Economy Research Group (IPERG). She recently finished her PhD in Political Science at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Her research interests include Political Parties, Political Identities, Political Institutions, Historical Development and Democratisation with a regional focus on Western Europe. She also has a methodological interest in historical research and causal inference. |
Luiz Brotherhood | Luiz Brotherhood is a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Economics, which he joined through the job market. In 2018, he was awarded a PhD in Economics at the Graduate School of Economics of the Getulio Vargas Foundation, where he was also a postdoctoral researcher between 2018 and 2019. His research fields are Labour Economics, Macroeconomics and Development Economics. |
Alexsandros Cavgias Martins Fraga | Alexsandros Cavgias Martins Fraga is a postdoctoral researcher the Department of Econometrics, Statistics and Applied Economics after being recruited on the international job market. He was awarded a PhD in Economics at the Bocconi University in 2019. His fields of interest are Development Economics and Political Economy. |
Ana Moragues Faus | Ana Moragues Faus will join the Department of Economic History, Institutions and Policy and World Economy as a Ramón y Cajal research fellow. Ana actively engages in action-research processes and combines a set of critical theories such as political ecology and participative justice to support the development of more just and sustainable food systems. At the moment, she is developing novel concepts and practical approaches in the field of urban food governance. She was awarded a PhD in Agricultural Economics, Sociology and Policies at the Polytechnic University of Valencia in 2011. |
Andreu Arenas | Andreu Arenas has joined the Department of Economics as an assistant professor after being hired on the international job market. Previously he had been a postdoctoral research fellow at the Barcelona Institute of Political Economy and Governance (IPEG) and an Adjunct Professor of Economics at Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF). He obtained his PhD in Economics at the European University Institute (EUI) in 2016. His research interests are in Public Economics, Political Economy and Economics of Education. |
Alessandro de Chiara | Alessandro de Chiara has joined the Department of Economics as an assistant professor. He obtained his PhD in Economics at the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) in June 2015. Since August 2015, Alessandro de Chiara has been an assistant professor in the Department of Economics and Business at Central European University (CEU). His main fields of research are Organisational Economics, Procurement & Regulation, Behavioral Economics, Industrial Organisation, and Law & Economics. |
Sergi Lozano | Sergi Lozano has joined the Department of Economic History, Institutions and Policy and World Economy as an associate professor. He was awarded a PhD in Sustainability, Technology and Humanism from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia in 2008. His research focuses on social complexity, cultural evolution and past long-term social processes. To his end, he adopts approaches from complex systems and applies methodologies like network analysis and computational and mathematical modelling. |
Sergi Basco | Sergi Basco has joined the Department of Economics as an associate professor. He is also a research fellow in MOVE Foundation. He received his PhD in Economics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 2010. Sergi Basco’s research and teaching fields are International Economics and Macroeconomics. His work focusses on understanding the effects of globalisation. |