Call for papers announced for IEB-Chair of Energy Sustainability VII International Academic Symposium

The Chair of Energy Sustainability at the Barcelona Institute of Economics (IEB) invites the submission of papers for presentation at the VII International Academic Symposium: Smart Energy Systems from a New Energy Policy Approach, which will take place in Barcelona on February 5th, 2019. The deadline for submission of papers is September 23rd, 2018.

Topics of interest may include Demand Side Management, Smart Grids, Energy Efficiency, RES Integration, Prosumers, Energy Infrastructure, Market Designs, Storage, LNG, Policy and Regulation, Distribute Generation and Shale Gas. The symposium will try to shed light on the digitalisation in the energy sector, its implications and challenges. The keynote speakers will be Christoph Böhringer (University of Oldenburg) and Juan Rosellon (CIDE & DIW Berlin).

Deadline: September 23rd, 2018. More information here.

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