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All students coming from abroad to study at the University of Barcelona must take out a medical insurance policy that covers the period of time during which they complete their UB studies.

Students coming from countries in the European Economic Area (EU countries, Iceland, Lichtenstein and Norway) and having the right to national social security schemes in their own countries must apply for a European Health Insurance Card (which has replaced the old E-111 and E-128 forms), which will be issued by that country’s public health authorities and will entitle the holder to Spanish health care.


Students coming from countries outside the European Economic Area must enquire about the provision of academic agreements between their country’s national social security scheme and Spain. If such a provision is available, students must apply to their country’s public health authority for the appropriate card or document so as to be entitled to health care during their stay in Spain. For example, this will be the case for students coming from some countries in South America.

    For further enquiries, contact the Spanish Office for International Social Security Agreements:

    Convenios Internacionales de la Seguridad Social
    Passeig de Sant Joan 191
    08037 Barcelona
    Tel. 93 284 93 58

Students in neither category described above must take out a private medical insurance policy to cover the period during which they are studying at the UB, and must obtain a document from their insurance company, preferably in Spanish, Catalan, English or French, which will prove that the policy is valid.

Students must present a copy of their medical insurance policy when they formalise their arrival at the University.

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  © Universitat de Barcelona Edition: Student Support Service
Last update: 19.02.2009