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Through the program "FEM VIA" the University of Barcelona is working to fully integrate special needs students so that they may have the same study opportunities as other students. For this reason, the Area of Academic Affairs, Programs and Services for Students and Integration Programs will become the information centre for those students wishing to assist special needs students and for special needs students seeking this assistance.

“FEM VIA” offers the following services:

  • Support in the administrative office for school leavers taking the national university entrance examination, in order to support special needs freshman students
  • Support in secretary’s offices in UB centres
  • Interviews with students in order to analyse their needs
  • The provision of students wishing to assist students with special needs
  • The review of the architectural conditions of UB installations that may or may not be adapted to special needs


Law 20/1991 (25/11/91) on facilitating access and removing architectural barriers.

Law 51/2003 (02/12/03) on equal opportunities and universal accessibility rights for people with special needs.

Law 13/1982 (07/04/82) on social integration for people with special needs.

Article 26 of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights.

Article 6 of the UN’s Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities.


Special needs students may use the following services:

  • Personalised counselling
  • The provision of students wishing to assist special needs students
  • Support in note-taking and academic tasks
  • Technical support

In collaboration with the Catalan Government’s Office for Augmentative Communication and Technology (UTAC), the UB offers technical services to students with special physical needs who require augmentative and alternative means of communication. Before completing their studies, special needs students may contact "FEM VIA" for information and support regarding work in the professional world.

Those students wishing to help special needs students to manage their academic workload and to facilitate their integration in the university should not hesitate to contact "FEM VIA", who will be able to provide such volunteers with all the details and information that they need to do this.


Student Support Service
Integration Programs

Melcior de Palau, 140   08014 Barcelona
Tel: 93 403 54 15   Fax: 93 403 59 18

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  © Universitat de Barcelona Edition: Student Support Service
Last update: 19.02.2009