Catalina Bolancé supervisor award 10 th VidaCaixa-UB

diciembre 11th, 2017|Categories: Highlights, Noticies-RISKCENTER|

Nov, 22 2017: The VidaCaixa-UB insurance award is an annual prize given to the best master thesis in the Master of Actuarial and Financial Sciences of the University of Barcelona. The winner thesis in the 10th edition was ‘Big Data of social networks: Personality traits as an explanatory variable in GLM models for insurance claim

Helena Chuliá receives a research grant from the Ramón Areces Foundation

noviembre 2nd, 2017|Categories: Highlights, Noticies-RISKCENTER|

Helena Chuliá, member of the research group Riskcenter, has been awarded with a research grant from the Ramón Areces Foundation. The research project, entitled "Good and bad uncertainty propagation across the global economy" has been selected, jointly with 11 additional projects, from more than 80 proposals. The project will last for two years and will

PhD in Statistics on the joint modeling of health insurance

septiembre 26th, 2017|Categories: Noticies-RISKCENTER|

PhD in Statistics on the joint modeling of health insurance   September 26, 2017: Xavier Piulachs Lozada-Benavente defended his thesis. Jury members were Drs. Jordi Ocaña (president), Lupe Gómez-Melis (Universitata Politècnica de Catalunya) and Cécile Proust-Lima (Université de Bordeaux,). Dr. Piulachs is now moving forward to a post-doc position at the Université Catholique de

Quantification of risk, industrial PhD

septiembre 8th, 2017|Categories: Noticies-RISKCENTER, UBZurich|

Quantification of risk, industrial PhD Sept 7, 2017: Alemar E. Padilla-Barreto is interviewed in the YouTube channel of the Industrial PhD program. Together with the Chief Pricing Officer of Zurich Insurance in Spain (Mr. Jordi Margarit) and the two supervisors, they describe the main challenges in the completition of an industrial PhD thesis. The video

PhD in Business on the heterogeneity of mortality and its impact on welfare

julio 24th, 2017|Categories: Noticies-RISKCENTER|

PhD in Business on the heterogeneity of mortality and its impact on welfare     July 21, 2017: Estefania Alaminos Aguilera presented her thesis. Jury members were Drs. Catalina Bolancé (president), Francisco Escribano (University of Castilla-La Mancha) and Elisa Chuliá (University of Valencia). Dr. Alaminos is now working at the International Labor Organization in

Event: signature of the agreement 2017-2021

julio 19th, 2017|Categories: Noticies-RISKCENTER, UBZurich|

 Zurich funded chair at UB for research, actuarial education and innovation   Jul 18 2017: The Rector of the University of Barcelona, Prof. Joan Elias, and the CEO of Zurich Spain, Mr. Vicente Cancio signed the extension of the Chair that the insurance company has with the research group Riskcenter of the UB. The objective

Miguel Santolino; ‘Challenges of the actuarial profession qualification’

mayo 18th, 2017|Categories: Noticies-RISKCENTER|

Miguel Santolino participates in the conference ‘Challenges of the actuarial profession qualification’ organized by the Catalan Actuarial Association Session outline May 17, 2017. Antonio Ferreiro (Deloitte Canada) and Miguel Santolino (Riskcenter-UB) spoke about the challenges of the insurance sector in next years and how the actuarial profession should face these challenges. They pointed out that

New Perspectives in Transportation – Big data Telematics towards Usage based Insurance

abril 19th, 2017|Categories: Highlights, Noticies-RISKCENTER|

Big data Telematics towards Usage based Insurance   This workshop (May 4 2017) is a meeting to discuss innovation in telematics from the perspective of insurers and manufacturers, as well as the design of public policies aimed to reduce accidents on the road.   For more information, see the preliminary programme.   Link to the

Prof. Tim Boonen, University of Amsterdam visits Riskcenter

febrero 20th, 2017|Categories: Highlights, Noticies-RISKCENTER|

Tim gave a seminar on  "Modeling and forecasting mortality with economic growth: a multi-population approach". He reviewed the existing literature on mortality modeling of multiple populations, which focuses mainly on extrapolating the past mortality trends and summarizes these trends by one or more common latent factors. In his paper, they propose a multi-population stochastic mortality

M. Santolino presented his book on the actuarial profession, a comparative analysis on how to get qualified as an actuary

enero 26th, 2017|Categories: Highlights, Noticies-RISKCENTER|

Session outline The event was opened by Mercedes Sanz, chair of Insurance and Pensions in Fundacion Mapfre. After, Gregorio Gil de Rozas, president of the Institute of Spanish Actuaries-IAE, spoke about the legal protection of the actuarial profession in Spain. Then, Eduardo Sánchez, general assistant director of actuarial function in Mapfre, spoke about the opportunities