Fundación Mutua Madrileña, RACEF and the University of Barcelona to conduct research on Sustainability in Business and Economics
Jan 13 , 2023.- The new University of Barcelona-Fundación Mutua Madrileña Sustainability Chair has the support of the Royal Academy of Economic and Financial Sciences (RACEF).
With this initiative, the three institutions seek to meet the challenges of research in sustainability in businesses and organizations.
President, Jaime Gil Aluja, represented the initiative together with the Rector of the University of Barcelona (UB), Joan Guàrdia, and the Managing Director of the Mutua Madrileña Foundation, Teresa Campos. Its director, Full Professor Ana María Gil, also participated in the presentation together with the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Ramon Alemany.
The Chair was presented in the Aula Magna of the Historic Building of the UB. The Chair aims to promote sustainability in the business sphere through the development of teaching, research, training, information and documentation activities within the framework of monitoring the principles of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It will offer corporate resources on sustainability and will help define strategic plans, codes and indicators and good governance practices that allow the implementation of the legal and regulatory framework, as well as the recommendations of national and international organizations in this matter. It will have an initial validity of three academic years.
The Mutua Group has maintained a strong commitment to sustainability for years, to which they have continued with the 2022-2026 Sustainability Master Plan, which marks its roadmap for the coming years in environmental, social and good governance aspects.
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