Yearly Archives: 2015


The University of Barcelona and Zurich Insurance gave the diplomas to students of the first year of the Insurance Leaders of the Future programme (ILF).

septiembre 23rd, 2015|Categories: UBZurich|

September 23, 2015: UB and Zurich Insurance gave the diplomas to the students of the first year of the Insurance Leaders of the Future programme (ILF). The CEO of the Zurich Group in Spain, Mr. Julián López Zaballos gave the diplomas at a ceremony held in the Aula Magna of the UB Historic Building. The

Actuarial Day 2015

abril 10th, 2015|Categories: UBZurich|

Apr. 10. 2015: UBZurich Chair celebrated the "Actuarial Day", an event where the students of the Master in Actuarial Science from UB had the opportunity to attend the closing session of the second edition of "The Challenge" program with participants from the Master program. During the ceremony students of the master presented the results obtained

Workshop: “How to Speak in Public”

febrero 17th, 2015|Categories: UBZurich|

Feb. 17 2015: Mr. J. Gorina (Zurich Spain Human Resource Department) conducted a workshop about main skills related to speaking in public. The first part of the course was held in classroom 103 (Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Barcelona), from 19:00 to 21:00. On 17th March, the second part of the course will

Kick-off: The Challenge Project (Second Edition)

febrero 10th, 2015|Categories: UBZurich|

Feb. 10 2015: On Tuesday, February 10th, the Kick-off of the 2nd edition of the Challenge Project (year 2015) took place in classroom 103 of the Faculty of Economics and Bussiness (University of Barcelona). People from Human Resources and Pricing Staffs of Zurich Spain are in charge of this new activity. 20 students of the