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Conferenciant: Dra. Aleksandra Pieczyńska
Resum: Photoelectrocatalysis (PEC) is an effective and environmentally friendly technology for the degradation of persistent and harmful environmental pollutants such as pharmaceuticals. One of the challenges in research into PEC degradation is finding the appropriate photoanode material, which has a significant impact on the efficiency of the process. Among all others, photoelectrodes based on an ordered TiO2 nanotube arrays are a promising material due to well-developed surface area and efficient charge separation. In the presented study, photoelectrodes based on TiO2 nanotubes which were sensitized with quantum dots of narrow band semiconductors were applied for photoelectrocatalitic removal of selected anticancer drugs. The effect of structure and morphology of photoelectrodes on degradation efficiency were investigated and the mechanism of photoelectrocatalytic degradation of anticancer drugs were proposed.