Introduction Objectives and competences Admission and pre-enrolment Recommended applicant profile and admission requirements Pre-enrolment Admission list Course curriculum Course curriculum Credit recognition Final project Placements Teaching methodology and assessment system Organization and teaching methodology Assessment system Career opportunities Support for studying Grants and financial aid Support and guidance Mobility Enrolment Calendar, timetables, classrooms and assessment Academic calendar Timetables Assessment Course plans and teaching staff Course plans Teaching staff Course details
Subject Type Language Credits Specialization: Psychoeducational Care Analysis of School Educational Practices: Learning, Activity and Discourse OP 2nd semester 6 Approaches and Current Trends in Educational Psychology CM 2nd semester 6 Construction of Knowledge in Psychoeducation: Epistemological and Methodological Principles CM 1st semester 3 Cooperative Learning and Peer Tutoring Strategies OP 2nd semester 6 Culture, Development and Learning in Educational Psychology CM 1st semester 3 Final Project CM 1st semester 2nd semester 10 Inclusive Education and Support for Diversity OP 1st semester 6 Institutional or Company Placement CM 1st semester 2nd semester 14 Intercultural Education and Educational Provision for Social Diversity OP 2nd semester 6 Interdisciplinary Projects and Intervention in Diverse Contexts OP 1st semester 3 Intervention in Communication and Language in Children with Developmental Disorders: Augmentative Communication and Intervention Strategies OP 1st semester 3 Learning, Evaluation and Quality in Education OP 1st semester 6 Multilingualism and Interculturality OP 1st semester 3 Professional Identity and Teaching Strategies OP 1st semester 6 Psychoeducation in Early Childhood Education OP 1st semester 3 Psychoeducation in Social and Community Contexts OP 2nd semester 6 Psychological Assessment and Intervention in Formal Education OP 2nd semester 6 Psychological Bases of the School Curriculum: Design and Development OP 2nd semester 6 Reading and Writing Strategies: Learning, Teaching and Intervention OP 2nd semester 3 Research Methods and Techniques in Educational Psychology OP 1st semester 6 Scientific and Professional Communication Procedures, Norms and Practices in Educational Psychology CM 1st semester 6 Spaces and Professional Practice in Educational Psychology in Adulthood and Old Age OP 1st semester 3 Spaces and Professional Practice in Educational Psychology in Childhood, Adolescence and Youth OP 1st semester 3 Teaching and Learning of Spoken Language in Inclusive Educational Contexts OP 1st semester 3 The Use of External Representations in School Learning OP 2nd semester 3 Topics and Current Areas in Educational Psychology Research OP 2nd semester 6 Training of Education Professionals OP 2nd semester 3 Virtual Learning Environments, Tools and Practices OP 1st semester 6 Work with Families in the Framework of Early Care OP 2nd semester 3 Written Composition and Academic Writing Strategies OP 1st semester 6 Specialization: Psychoeducational Orientation in Secondary Education Analysis of School Educational Practices: Learning, Activity and Discourse OP 2nd semester 6 Approaches and Current Trends in Educational Psychology CM 2nd semester 6 Construction of Knowledge in Psychoeducation: Epistemological and Methodological Principles CM 1st semester 3 Cooperative Learning and Peer Tutoring Strategies OP 2nd semester 6 Culture, Development and Learning in Educational Psychology CM 1st semester 3 Final Project CM 1st semester 2nd semester 10 Inclusive Education and Support for Diversity OP 1st semester 6 Institutional or Company Placement CM 1st semester 2nd semester 14 Intercultural Education and Educational Provision for Social Diversity OP 2nd semester 6 Interdisciplinary Projects and Intervention in Diverse Contexts OP 1st semester 3 Intervention in Communication and Language in Children with Developmental Disorders: Augmentative Communication and Intervention Strategies OP 1st semester 3 Learning, Evaluation and Quality in Education OP 1st semester 6 Multilingualism and Interculturality OP 1st semester 3 Professional Identity and Teaching Strategies OP 1st semester 6 Psychoeducation in Early Childhood Education OP 1st semester 3 Psychoeducation in Social and Community Contexts OP 2nd semester 6 Psychological Assessment and Intervention in Formal Education OP 2nd semester 6 Psychological Bases of the School Curriculum: Design and Development OP 2nd semester 6 Reading and Writing Strategies: Learning, Teaching and Intervention OP 2nd semester 3 Research Methods and Techniques in Educational Psychology OP 1st semester 6 Scientific and Professional Communication Procedures, Norms and Practices in Educational Psychology CM 1st semester 6 Spaces and Professional Practice in Educational Psychology in Adulthood and Old Age OP 1st semester 3 Spaces and Professional Practice in Educational Psychology in Childhood, Adolescence and Youth OP 1st semester 3 Teaching and Learning of Spoken Language in Inclusive Educational Contexts OP 1st semester 3 The Use of External Representations in School Learning OP 2nd semester 3 Topics and Current Areas in Educational Psychology Research OP 2nd semester 6 Training of Education Professionals OP 2nd semester 3 Virtual Learning Environments, Tools and Practices OP 1st semester 6 Work with Families in the Framework of Early Care OP 2nd semester 3 Written Composition and Academic Writing Strategies OP 1st semester 6 Specialization: Research in Educational Psychology Analysis of School Educational Practices: Learning, Activity and Discourse OP 2nd semester 6 Approaches and Current Trends in Educational Psychology CM 2nd semester 6 Construction of Knowledge in Psychoeducation: Epistemological and Methodological Principles CM 1st semester 3 Cooperative Learning and Peer Tutoring Strategies OP 2nd semester 6 Culture, Development and Learning in Educational Psychology CM 1st semester 3 Final Project CM 1st semester 2nd semester 10 Inclusive Education and Support for Diversity OP 1st semester 6 Institutional or Company Placement CM 1st semester 2nd semester 14 Intercultural Education and Educational Provision for Social Diversity OP 2nd semester 6 Interdisciplinary Projects and Intervention in Diverse Contexts OP 1st semester 3 Intervention in Communication and Language in Children with Developmental Disorders: Augmentative Communication and Intervention Strategies OP 1st semester 3 Learning, Evaluation and Quality in Education OP 1st semester 6 Multilingualism and Interculturality OP 1st semester 3 Professional Identity and Teaching Strategies OP 1st semester 6 Psychoeducation in Early Childhood Education OP 1st semester 3 Psychoeducation in Social and Community Contexts OP 2nd semester 6 Psychological Assessment and Intervention in Formal Education OP 2nd semester 6 Psychological Bases of the School Curriculum: Design and Development OP 2nd semester 6 Reading and Writing Strategies: Learning, Teaching and Intervention OP 2nd semester 3 Research Methods and Techniques in Educational Psychology OP 1st semester 6 Scientific and Professional Communication Procedures, Norms and Practices in Educational Psychology CM 1st semester 6 Spaces and Professional Practice in Educational Psychology in Adulthood and Old Age OP 1st semester 3 Spaces and Professional Practice in Educational Psychology in Childhood, Adolescence and Youth OP 1st semester 3 Teaching and Learning of Spoken Language in Inclusive Educational Contexts OP 1st semester 3 The Use of External Representations in School Learning OP 2nd semester 3 Topics and Current Areas in Educational Psychology Research OP 2nd semester 6 Training of Education Professionals OP 2nd semester 3 Virtual Learning Environments, Tools and Practices OP 1st semester 6 Work with Families in the Framework of Early Care OP 2nd semester 3 Written Composition and Academic Writing Strategies OP 1st semester 6