Information for the student – Psychosocial Intervention - Faculty of Psychology - University of Barcelona
University of Barcelona

Information for the student – Psychosocial Intervention


Teachers will report the date and method of evaluation concerning the subject. Assessment tests will be conducted on schedule and regular classroom for each subject.

The evaluation system is governed by the "Regulations governing the evaluation and qualification of learning" of the UB.


It make a Continuous assessment,  as a general rule. In exceptional cases, you can give up the continuous assessment and qualify for the single assessment. In this case, the teaching plan may require as a condition for the only evaluation,  the assistance to certain classroom activities.


There is only one call for evaluation by subject. However, after the publication of the final qualifications, it open  a period of reassessment for those who have not passed the continuous or unique assessment or waive in writing the qualifications obtained if it has been approved.


The evaluation system includes written work, written tests, oral tests, simulations and instruments based on observation (checklists, rating scales).


The specific assessment system for each subject can be found in their teaching plan. the Teachers will inform the date and method of evaluation concerning the subject. Assessment tests will be conducted on schedule and regular classroom for each course and, in some cases, will require the student to prepare materials in the hours devoted to own work.


Procedure for the possible revision of the qualification of a subject or for the claim against.
