Information for the student – Psychosocial Intervention
Support and guidance
Information and prior actions to registration
The Master has a specific web where students can find all the information regarding qualifications. There is also a page with frequently asked questions of the university master here.
Moreover, each student has a tutor throughout the Master who is assigned at the time you are admitted to it. Tutors are available before enrolment to welcome students, answer your questions and guide them through the enrolment process.Actions specific orientation and reception of the degree for new students
Coinciding with the period of registration and before the beginning of classes, a presentation session is done selected to inform them of the most important aspects of the Master and facilitate their incorporation into the same orientation and students.
In addition, students have contact addresses for consultations on administrative matters and teaching and organization of the Master:
- Consultations on administrative issues (enrolment, fees, submission of documents, etc.):
Telephones: 934 020 169 and 933 125 009
- Consultations on issues of teaching and organization of the Master:
Teléfono: 933 125 801
Actions of guidance and support for students of the degree
Once enroled, students have the Web Master, Virtual Campus platform to support teaching and availability of tutor who has been assigned during the period of the Master and who can call with any questions, concerns, complaints or suggestions related to the teaching received. In addition, the tutor provides personal attention to the student to guide you, and help increase academic achievement, especially regarding their curricular itinerary and expanding their competence for learning in a context of confidentiality and respect for their autonomy. Furthermore, in order to promote student learning during the Master, in each subject there is a responsible coordinator which can go to any matter relating to it. Also, subjects External Practices and Final Project, each student has a (faculty tutor) academic tutor to guide your learning, along with a professional (tutor center) tutor for External Practices.Large part of teachers taught classes in Spanish during the first semester to facilitate learning for people who do not understand Catalan. From the second semester, each teacher / a class taught in Catalan or Spanish, depending on your preference. The following links can be found information concerning the resources offered by the UB to learn Catalan.