
mobility subhome

The University of Barcelona has a long tradition of relations and collaboration with universities in the rest of Spain and other countries in both academic areas and research activities.

The international or national mobility of students, teaching staff, administrative and service staff is one of the clearest signs of the UB’s internationalisation, a cross-cutting, fundamental aspect of university life in the twenty-first century.

For this reason, the Faculty of Psychology participates in various mobility programmes so that members of its community can spend temporary periods of study at other institutions abroad or in Spain; and students, teaching staff and administrative and service staff from other universities can spend periods of time at the UB Faculty of Psychology.

The Faculty’s departments, research groups and teaching innovation groups all promote the exchange of teaching staff and students. The main aim is to establish placements that are designed to improve teaching, encourage collaboration in research and diversity, and create a Faculty with a firmly international approach and even stronger partnerships.
