
Act of tribute to the career of Professor Cèsar Coll

News | 08-03-2024

The University of Barcelona paid tribute to the professional career of Cèsar Coll on Friday, 1 March, at the Historic Building’s Aula Magna. His colleagues from the Faculty of Psychology celebrated his retirement, and they highlight Coll’s significant academic contributions in the field of psychology of education. 

The ceremony, attended by a hundred people, was presented and chaired by the coordinator of the doctoral degree in Psychology of Education, Marta Gràcia. Among the attendants was the rector of the UB, Joan Guàrdia, who is also a professor at the Faculty of Psychology. The dean of the Faculty, Antonio Solanas, and the coordinator of the interuniversity master’s degree in Psychology of Education, Anna Engel, also attended the ceremony. Professor Coll’s academic work has focused on defending a “personalized learning”, which supports the change from a memory-related learning to a methodology based on the students’ practical experience. 


Source: UB
