Conferència “From following dots to understanding scenes” a càrrec d'Alexander Goettker
El divendres 9 de maig a les 15 h, a la sala de Graus, tindrà lloc la conferència titulada “From following dots to understanding scenes”. Serà impartida per Alexander Goettker, de la Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen (Alemanya).
Abstract de la conferència
Most research uses simplified experiments with artificial stimuli to gain insights into visually guided behavior. With a focus on oculomotor control, I will discuss some examples where these kinds of experiments allowed us critical insights into sensorimotor processing. Afterward, I will change the perspective. So far, a critical assumption for these simplified experiments remains largely untested: the extent to which evidence gathered in artificial experiments can be generalized to understand more complex natural behaviors. To address this, I will show examples of how we tried to fill this gap by directly comparing and relating results obtained with artificial stimuli to behavior in more natural contexts. Our results emphasize the additional possibilities of using controlled naturalistic stimuli and demonstrate that natural behavior can be driven by different cues and mechanisms than often assumed in artificial experiment.