University of Barcelona

Information for the student – Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Biomedical Engineering

Final project

The Master Thesis is an integrative assignment that should encompass all of the training received over the course of the degree programme. It requires students to apply the knowledge, skills, attitudes and competences acquired throughout their master's degree training. Therefore, the manner in which they incorporate their knowledge, skills, attitudes and competences must be linked to the specific training and professional objectives of the master's degree curriculum.

Within this framework, the curriculum of the university master’s degree in Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Biomedical Engineering includes the subject Master Thesis (Treball de Fi de Màster, TFM), which has a study load of 30 ECTS credits. This entails a time commitment of approximately 750 hours per student. Students should endeavour to bring together the different specific skills and competences acquired during the master’s degree and use them to develop creative, innovative proposals.

Students are responsible for developing their proposed Master Thesis, which may take any one of several different approaches: a business plan for a new firm, an innovation plan for an existing department, a research or development project for a hospital or company, and so on, involving technological considerations.

The Master Thesis may be executed at any institution in Spain or any another country. However, the project must be publicly defended within the general framework and specific regulations governing master’s degree study at the University of Barcelona.


General guidelines and documentation:

Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Biomedical Engineering Virtual Campus
