University of Barcelona

Information for the student – Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Biomedical Engineering

Career opportunities

The master's degree could lead to career opportunities in three main areas:


As innovation is considered the basis of growth, competitiveness and social well-being, social challenges in the health sector provide many new opportunities for the medical technology business sector. Graduates of the master's degree in Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Biomedical Engineering may have career opportunities in the research, development and innovation departments of medical technology companies and technology-based health service providers, and in the creation of new companies.

Hospital centres are places where the most advanced technologies in health systems are implemented. Advances in modern medicine are generally based on the incorporation of leading technology, to promote innovative approaches in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases. The emergence of new healthcare strategies (personalized medicine, telemedicine for home care, expert monitoring systems, etc.) also requires the involvement of experts in biomedical technologies, to provide innovative solutions to health problems.

R&D and innovation
Although the European Union has an excellent level of research, the transfer of research results to the business world is still very limited. To increase the efficiency of technology transfer in the health sector, professionals are required who have innovative, business capacities to transfer scientific and technological research results to the business sector. Graduates in the master's degree in Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Biomedical Engineering are agents will have the skills to work alongside research groups in hospitals, universities and research centres, and to draw up business solutions based on innovative ideas and technologies that can be transferred to the market.