University of Barcelona

Astrophysics, Particle Physics and Cosmology

Support and guidance


Every master's student has a personal tutor assigned. Tutors are responsible for guiding the learning process and the attainment of the educational objectives. The tutoring will be exerted by the supervisor of his/her Final Master Thesis. However, in the first few months in which the student has not yet been assigned a Master Thesis, that responsibility will correspond to the Master's Coordinator. The role of tutor can only be exercised by permanent scientific staff of the ICCUB. However, it is possible for tutors to leave the scientific supervision of their students in the hands of experts from other research institutions or universities.


Apart from the ordinary follow-up mechanisms established by the own UB for the official masters evaluation and improvement (professorship polls, master management polls, follow-up of qualified people, etc...) and the meetings between master coordinators and members of the administrative and service staff, the Coordinating Committee and teaching staff of the master are permanently open to attend to the suggestions and comments made by the students, especially those that address aspects that could be improved or that may be of interest for the satisfactory development of the degree.

Should you need more information about the master, have any doubts, any problem, or simply want to make a suggestion, please do not hesitate to contact the master coordinator.
