University master's degrees

University masters are advanced training studies that allow you to achieve a professional or multidisciplinary specialization, or to start research and access a doctorate. They are official titles at a public price and adapted to the European higher education area.

They have a teaching load similar to that of European degrees, between sixty and one hundred and twenty credits, that is, one or two full-time courses, with the aim of facilitating and promoting the mobility and incorporation into the European labor market of students.




The pre-registration period for the next academic year 2025-26 will be:

               - First period from 3 february to 20 june 2025

               - Second period from 25 june to 8 september 2025: 


In case there is an incident or you cannot print the receipt, send an email the same day to  with the subject “INCIDENCIA PREINSCRIPCIÓN + the name of your master's degree”.

Or if it is the case of an incident in your registration: “INCIDENCIA DE MATRICULA + the name of your master's degree”.



Periods for enrolment:

     - First period, from 11 to 25 July 2025

     - Second period from 1 September to 24 October 2025

Schedule of Master's Proceedings. 2024-25 / 2025-26  

Application of equivalences of academic results obtained in institutions outside Europe.


Master’s Degrees managed by the Faculty of Physics

Astrophysics, Particle Physics and Cosmology

UB students

future students

Quantum Science and Technology

UB students

future students

Renewable and Sustainable Energy

UB students

future students

Biomedical Engineering

UB students

future students

Erasmus Mundus Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

UB students

future students

Physics of Complex Systems and Biophysics

UB students

future students

Meteorology (currently being replaced)

UB students


Meteorology and Climate Sciences (new)

UB students

future students

Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

UB students

future students

Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Biomedical Engineering (phased out)

UB students


Other interuniversity Master's Degrees

Erasmus Mundus Master in Photonics

UB students

future students

Erasmus Mundus in Nuclear Physics

Web for students

future students

Nuclear Physics Web of students future students

Master in Teacher Training in Obligatory Secondary and Upper Secondary School Education, Vocational Training and Languages

UB students

future students


UPC students

future students

Atomistic and Multiscale Computational Modelling in Physics, Chemistry and Biochemistry

UB students

future students

Semiconductor Engineering and Microelectronic Design

UPC students

future students