- Astrophysics, Particle Physics and Cosmology (60 credits): In person - English // Semester Registration

- Quantum Science and Technology (60 credits): In person - English // Annual Registration

- Renewable Energies and Energy Sustainability (60 credits): In person - 85% Spanish - 15% English // Annual Registration

- Biomedical Engineering (60 credits): In person - Spanish/Catalan/English // Semester registration

- Physics of Complex Systems and Biophysics (60 credits): In person - English // Semester registration

- Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Biomedical Engineering (90 credits): in extinction // Semester registration

- Meteorology (60 credits): In person - 40% Catalan / 40% Spanish / 20% English // Semester registration

- Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (60 credits): In person - English // Semester registration


University master's degrees managed by other university centers (with participation of the UB):

- Erasmus Mundus Photonics, Nanophotonics and Biophotonics Engineering

- Erasmus Mundus Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

- Nuclear Physics

- Photonics/Photonics

- Computational Modeling in Physics, Chemistry and Biochemistry

- Semiconductor Engineering and Microelectronic Design

The pre-registration period can be in a single period or in different periods. Each Master chooses whether to do it in one or more. In the event that there are different pre-registration periods, it is indifferent to formalize the pre-registration in one or the other.

The first pre-registration period usually opens between February and October. Master's degrees that have semester registration have a second pre-registration period that opens during the month of February.

To formalize pre-registration: https://web.ub.edu/en/web/estudis/masters-postgraduate-dregrees-finder?centre=2974838

Once the pre-registration has been formalized, you will receive a confirmation message by email in which you will be indicated with the procedure number.

To access the application again, you can do so by indicating your process number through this link https://www.ub.edu/acad/pops/alumnes/identificacio.php?lang=3&PHPSESSID=gpae12k1h7elks658prq6m8d91

Remember that no personal data may be modified once pre-registration is confirmed (at the student's request, it may be modified after registration). Only the attached documentation may be modified while the pre-registration period is open

Payment of the pre-registration fee (30.21 euros) is mandatory. The candidature will not be taken into account in the selection process without having first received payment of this fee. Payment must be made in the same form. You can access your application whenever you want to pay the fee by accessing your application number https://www.ub.edu/acad/pops/alumnes/identificacio.php?lang=3&PHPSESSID=gpae12k1h7elks658prq6m8d91

Once you have completed the form with your personal data, and in order to complete your application, you must attach all the required documentation in each of the fields. We recommend using the program SmallPDF to minimize each of the documents before uploading them to the form.

The attached documentation may be modified/updated whenever necessary by accessing your application https://www.ub.edu/acad/pops/alumnes/identificacio.php?lang=3&PHPSESSID=gpae12k1h7elks658prq6m8d91 as long as the pre-registration period for which you have registered remains open. Once the period has closed, no modifications can be made.

Special pre-registration requirements for foreign degrees:

Some master's degrees require a Certificate of Equivalence of Average Grade (only candidates with a foreign degree). It can be obtained here https://www.universidades.gob.es/equivalencia-de-notas-medias-de-estudios-universitarios-realizados-en-centros-extranjeros/

Despite not having yet obtained the Bachelor's degree, pre-registration can be formalized without problem. It is recommended to state your situation in the motivation letter addressed to the coordinator so that it is taken into account when evaluating your candidacy. It is necessary to attach an udpdated transcript of records at the time of pre-registration. It will be essential, if accepted, to present proof of completion of the Degree/Diploma/Title at the time of formalizing registration.

Once the pre-registration period has ended, you will be notified by email with the resolution indicating your status (accepted, denied or waiting list).

We advise you to select in the pre-registration form the option to allow receiving electronic notifications to receive all communications through your email. It is the fastest way to know the status of your candidacy and receive any notification quickly and safely.

 Students who enroll in a university master's degree can enroll between a minimum of 20 credits (except if there are fewer left to complete the master's degree) and a maximum of 60. Students who enroll between 20 and 48 credits follow a part-time itinerary, and Students who enroll between 49 and 60 credits follow a full-time pathway.

If you prefer to study the master's degree on a part-time basis, the student will be tutored and advised prior to the registration process by the master's coordinator.

The minimum and maximum enrollment credits are regulated in the Permanence Regulations for students of official university master's degrees at the UB, however, students who request a general scholarship will have to enroll for the minimum number of credits established in the call.

Depending on the previous studies accredited by the student, completion of Training Complements /Leveling Credits may be required.

Leveling Credits, in general, come from Bachelor’s Degree subjects but, in exceptional cases, specific subjects can be created.

The Leveling Credits, as access requirements to the Master's degree, must be taken and completed before formalizing registration for the master's degree. However, the master's coordination may approve the simultaneous enrollment of the training complements and the Master's subjects, due to justified reasons.

Any change you wish to make in the selection of subjects or in enrollment must be authorized by the coordinator or tutor of the master's degree. No changes will be made without prior authorization. In order to make these changes, you must complete the corresponding application, which can be obtained through the following address https://www.ub.edu/portal/web/fisica/matricula-masters-oficials or heading to master.fisica@ub.edu within the established deadlines:

Changes in enrollment for subjects 1st semester Academic year 2024-25. Deadline: October 31, 2024

Changes in enrollment for 2nd semester subjects for the 2024-25 academic year. Deadline: March 7, 2025

The cancellation of subjects or registration must also be requested through the requests that appear at the link https://www.ub.edu/portal/web/fisica/matricula-masters-oficials.

If a modification or cancellation of registration is requested after 7 days after registration, it will always be without the right to a refund and only for academic purposes, except for justified reasons.

If you are accepted into the Master's degree (through electronic admission resolution + electronic acceptance notification), you will receive all the information related to the tutorships and subsequent registration. Completing the tutorialship will be essential to be able to formalize registration.

Enrollment in Physics Masters is tutored: the selection of subjects to enroll will be carried out jointly with the Master's coordinator or assigned tutor during the days and times established annually. The selection of subjects must be authorized by the tutor before registering.

Masters use online self-registration. It is not necessary to do it in person at the Student and Teaching Secretary Office of the Faculty of Physics, but it can be done through the virtual platform SELF-ENROLLMENT.

If, for whatever reason, you are ultimately unable to enroll in the Master's degree, we would appreciate that you notify us as soon as possible. This allows us to offer the vacant position to other applicants who are on the waiting list. You can communicate it through master.fisica@ub.edu.

In general terms:

- Students from EU member states / Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Andorra or China/ long-term residents in Spain: € 27.67

- Non-EU student credit price: 71€ /  €82


Other fees:

- Management of the academic transcript per semester: €54.54

- Specific and learning support services: €70

- Compulsory school insurance (under 28 years): €1.12

For more information follow the following link: https://www.ub.edu/acad/es/matricula/precios.html

At the time of registration you can choose the payment method that best suits your needs, in a single receipt or in installments (3 or 7 installments).

If you choose to pay in a single receipt, the receipt must be paid within a period of 7 calendar days from the date of registration.Payment can also be direct debited to a bank account ( "domicialiació bancària")

If you choose to pay in installments, at the time of registration you will obtain the registration receipt and the first payment receipt.  This registration receipt includes a summary of the financial data, indicating the amount of all receipts and deadlines to make them effective. In this case, direct debit is not possible.You can also consult this data in your personal student space Soc UB> Personal procedures> Consultation and payment of bills, where you will have access to pay the rest of the bills.

If you have applied for a scholarship, whether it is the General Mobility Scholarship (MECD) or a Scholarship abroad, it must be indicated at the time of registration.

If it is an entity, company or self-employed person who makes the payment and wants to have an official invoice, it must be communicated by email to master.fisica@ub.edu since the payment method is different.

For more information: https://www.ub.edu/acad/es/matricula/precios.html

In accordance with the Price Decree of the Generalitat for 2023-24, the surcharge for second degrees has been eliminated, to give more opportunities to people who want or need to expand their university knowledge in line with the promotion of continuous training.

For more information: http://www.ub.edu/acad/matricula/informacio_economica.html

The Price Decree of the Generalitat of Catalonia establishes for each course the bonus criteria applicable when the student has obtained one or more honors/ special distinction in studies completed at the University in the immediately preceding academic year (or semester).

Regardless of the applicable tuition class, the bonus will be deducted once the total tuition amount has been calculated, excluding services.

For more information http://www.ub.edu/acad/matricula/informacio_economica.html

Increases and surcharges in the registration price: Second and subsequent registrations

When a student enrolls for the second and successive times in the same subject, the amount increases. The price per credit to be paid is established in the Price Decree of the Generalitat of Catalonia.

For more information: http://www.ub.edu/acad/matricula/informacio_economica.html

SOC UB: It is the student's space, through which you can access various services such as consulting your academic records, payment of receipts, request for academic certificates and processing of the Diploma or provisional title.

You may require an academic record (free) or a personal academic certificate (27, 27 euros). Both documents contain a secure verification code in order to validate his authenticity


CAMPUS VIRTUAL: It is the platform that allows you to access all your courses from anywhere. You can consult the teaching material, participate in the forums, complete the tasks and activities, check the qualifications, etc.

If you have requested the General Official Master's Scholarship (MEC-Spanish Ministry), the student must indicate this when formalizing registration. The student will be listed as a conditional scholarship holder until the moment of communication of the resolutions by the  Spanish Ministry of Education and Culture (MEC). The student will pay the mandatory fees, leaving the rest of the amount pending. If the Scholarship is denied, the student must pay the rest of the amount by presenting himself at the Secretary of the Faculty of Physics, where he will collect the corresponding receipt.

For more information: http://www.ub.edu/beques/grausimasters/


To access a doctoral program at the UB it is necessary to have an official Bachelor's degree, or equivalent, and an official university Master's degree. This implies having passed (not recognized) a minimum of 300 ECTS credits in all of the University Degree and Master's studies, of which 60 credits must be official master's degrees.

If you want to pursue a Doctorate, there are two different paths:

a) Master's Degree and Official UB + Doctorate. Following this option, the Official Master's Degree at the UB would be taken for one or two years (60, 90 or 120 ECTS credits) obtaining the Official Master's Degree, and subsequently the Doctorate would begin.

b) 60 credits of Official UB Master's Degree + Doctorate. Following this option, the minimum number of credits required to be able to access the Doctorate studies corresponding to the Official Master at the UB (60 credits) would be taken without obtaining the Official Master's degree, and then the Doctorate would be taken.

For more information:




Each coordinator will indicate the language in which the master's degree will be taught on the master's website. Likewise, the required level of each language will be indicated to be admitted to each master's degree (language level accreditation).

Catalan is the official language of the University of Barcelona and therefore has institutional and administrative uses. Catalan and Spanish are used in university teaching as the official languages ​​of Catalonia. Therefore, to study at the UB it is not a requirement to know both languages, although it is necessary to have comprehension skills (written and oral) in both.

Regarding the use of both official languages ​​in teaching, the teacher has the right to choose the official language he prefers. On the other hand, the student also has this right and can express himself, orally or in writing, in the official language he wishes. Therefore, students can write assignments and answer exams in either language, regardless of which one the teacher uses.

For more information: https://www.ub.edu/web/ub/ca/sites/llengues/presentacio/index.html?

If you have previous foreign studies, you can access the master's degree without any problem with your foreign qualification. You can pre-register together with the rest of the candidates by attaching the required documentation in simple PDF format.

If you are accepted into the master's degree, you will be required to formalize the final registration, the original documentation or authentic electronic copy. If your studies are non-EU qualifications, it will also be necessary for them to be duly legalized/apostilled. In the communication of acceptance into the master's degree you will be told the steps to follow.

Special requirements to be able to enroll (only candidates with non-EU foreign qualifications):

You will have to pay the official fee for "study of equivalence of foreign studies", a mandatory fee for all students who access the Master with a foreign non-EU academic qualification: 218.15 euros.

The student must provide both the degree and the duly legalized/apostilled transcript, via email, in person or by postal mail. Once the documentation has been validated by the Secretary of the Faculty of Physics, a favorable access resolution signed by the Dean of the Faculty of Physics will be issued.

In the case of the UB, documents issued in a foreign language other than English will have to be accompanied by the corresponding translation into Catalan or Spanish, which may be carried out:

· By sworn translator, duly authorized or registered in Spain.

· By any diplomatic or consular representation of the Spanish State abroad.

· By the diplomatic or consular representation in Spain whose country the applicant is a citizen of or, where applicable, the country of origin of the document.

. By an official translator abroad and duly legalized the signature of this official translator.

For more information: https://www.ub.edu/acad/noracad/documents/en/traduccio_en.htm

Association of sworn translators of Catalonia: https://www.atijc.com/es

First check your academic  transcript of records through your personal space SOC UB (you must enter the ID and password).

Once you have verified that all the compulsory, electives and credit recognition subjects are recorded as having been passed (they are in green colour in your file) you can proceed to request the  Master's Title/ Certificate.

It must be taken into account that to process the degree you must be up to date with the payment with the University, otherwise the processing will not be possible.

Cerificate/Title application procedure:

- Enter your personal student space SOC UB> Personal procedures → Title application.

- Or through the UB Electronic Office: Application for official master's degree

It is necessary that the personal information is correct: the DNI, NIE or updated passport, your personal data (name, surname and date of birth) must appear exactly as they appear on your DNI or passport. Confirm all sections to be able to correctly complete the request.

You can put an accent mark or other spelling signs if necessary. The i/y between the last names is optional. There is also a blank space

Master's Certificate/Title issuance fee payment

Title issuance fees: €218.15. You can make payment by bank receipt or credit card. When making payment, it is best to do so with a credit card because the procedure is authorized immediately. Once the procedures have been verified by the Secretary Office , the Certificate/Receipt of the title is generated. The student will receive an email with the notice notifying him/her that he/she has the Title receipt document within his/her Personal Space (this receipt has an electronic signature verification code). You will have it available in PDF format for 3 years.

Meanwhile, we send an order for the paper printing of your final Diploma and it is signed by the Rector and responsible academic organs. This process can take a year.

The title may only be withdrawn from the  Office Secretary of the Faculty of Physics by the holder, who must be identified by presenting the original DNI, NIE or passport.

A PRIOR APPOINTMENT is required to pick up any academic document:


If you cannot do it personally, you can authorize another person to collect it, always using a power of attorney. In this case, the authorized person must bring the power of attorney and the original and photocopy of their DNI, NIE or passport. If  this power has been formalized  with a foreign notary, the document must be legalized through diplomatic channels or apostilled, assuming that the state from which the document comes is a signatory to the 1961 Hague Convention.

The period for collecting this title will be five years, counting from the date of issue.

Students who obtain an Official Degree obtain also the European Diploma Supplement.

This is a document that adds information to the official Master's Degree Diploma, through a description of its nature, level, context and content, with the aim of increasing the transparency of the various higher education degrees.

It is published in a trilingual Catalan-Spanish-English version.

You can collect it in person or authorize someone to collect it (simple authorization)

If you reside outside of Barcelona, ​​​​the holder can request the transfer of his Certificate/title to the  Spanish Government Delegation or Consular Office closest to his/her place of residence. This service involves the prior payment of a fee (20 euros Government Delegation / 40 euros Consular Office) for the expense of sending the title.

In order to send the Certificate/title to the Delegation or Consulate we need you to send to master.fisica@ub.edu the following documentation along with your request:

- photocopy of valid ID/Passport

- postal address

- contact phone number


Graduates may request the issuance of duplicate degrees when it is necessary to modify or rectify the initial data of the document. The reason for the duplicate will be documented and the public prices will be paid, if applicable.

Whenever the initial data must be modified for reasons attributable to the interested person, the fee for duplicating the title will be paid.

The most frequent causes for requesting a duplicate are:

-Due to change of name, surname or personal data.

-To incorporate the extraordinary award (it can only be incorporated in degrees prior to the EHEA) or a second specialty.

-Due to change of nationality.

-For loss.

-Due to deterioration.

In case of loss of the degree, the student, in addition to the duplicate fee, must pay the amount for the publication of the announcement in the BOE.

In order to request the duplicate we will need you to send to master.fisica@ub.edu the following documentation along with your request:

- photocopy of valid ID/Passport

- postal address

- contact phone number

After 30 days from the date of publication, the interested party may pay the duplication fee.

  1. Send the scanned certificate/title to: master.fisica@ub.edu
  2. We will translate it and send it to you by email in PDF format
  3. The translation into English is free of charge.

You have to take it to the Government Delegation in Catalonia (Ministry of Education), at 12 Bergara Street.

For more information: http://www.ub.edu/acad/noracad/legalitzacions.htm

In the case of foreign documents (not issued by the UB): https://www.ub.edu/acad/noracad/documents/en/legalitzacio_en.htm

  1. We will make you a substitute certificate for the Master's Degree in Spanish, Catalan or English and we will prepare it printed with the Dean's handwritten signature.
  2. You pick it up at the Student and Teaching Secretariy Office of the Faculty of Physics.
  3. Finally, you must take it to the Ministry (Government Delegation in Catalonia - Calle Bergara, 12) for its legalization.

If you need accommodation in the city of Barcelona, ​​the University provides you with contact with different entities that can provide you with this service.

For more information:https://www.ub.edu/accommodation/


As a reference, the average cost of a university residence with full board is about 1,500 euros per month. There is also the possibility of accommodation in privately owned apartments shared with other students for about 400 euros per month.

You can contact the SAE sae@ub.edu  where they will provide you with information about accommodation for students in student residences in agreement with the university or in residence halls.

We inform you that the nearest to the Faculty of Physics are:

- Residence Hall of the UB San Raimon de Penyafort www.penyafort.ub.edu

- Yugo Aleu University Residence www.yugo.com


Students from the countries listed below are not required to apply for a study visa or residence permit, regardless of the length of their stay:

European Union (Germany, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Slovakia, Slovenia, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Netherlands, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Poland, Portugal, United Kingdom, Czech Republic , Romania, Sweden and Cyprus) or from Liechtenstein, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland.

Student citizens of countries not included in the above list must obtain a study visa before leaving their home country. You can obtain more information and complete the procedures at the Spanish embassy or consulate closest to your place of residence.

For more information: http://www.ub.edu/uri/estudiantsNOUB/nie_en.htm

School insurance is mandatory for all students under 28 years, although school insurance covers the entire year in which the student is that age.

Payment of the corresponding fee must be made at the time of registration.

From 28 years old Students are not covered by mandatory school insurance. These students must take out voluntary insurance to have coverage for any accident they may have, both on university campuses and in companies or institutions, in the case of internships, while there is no employment relationship.

It will be mandatory to take out voluntary insurance (students over 28 years of age) during the academic year in which the Practicum subject is enrolled (whether curricular or extracurricular).

For more information consult the following link.

1 ECTS credit is equivalent to 25-30 hours.

ECTS is a standard for comparing the study attainment and performance of students of higher education across the European Union and other collaborating European countries.

One academic year corresponds to 60 credits that are equivalent to 1500-1800 hours of study in all countries irrespective of standard or qualification type and is used to facilitate transfer and progression throughout the  European Union. (See here for more information)

You should check if your Master's degree offers this possibility.

You have the possibility of carrying out curricular and extracurricular internships

For more information it is necessary to contact the Interships Office of the Faculty of Physics: marmelladog@ub.edu

Tel. 93 403 47 57 (internships)


Depending on the Master's degree, there is the possibility of taking a semester under the ERASMUS call.

For more information you can contact the International Relations Office of the Faculty of Physics: rint-fis@ub.edu

Tel: 93 403 90 99 (international mobility)


Every year an evaluation is carried out of the best records of the students enrolled in the master's degree, for the granting of the extraordinary prize. Students who have an average grade of 9 or higher.


E-mail: master.fisica@ub.edu

Telephone contact: 0034  93 403 90 75

Prior Appointment SED of Physics. Through the following links:

- Masters Management https://www.ub.edu/acad/cipr/indexGeneral.php?filtre=FISI02

- Withdrawal of Titles and Certificates https://www.ub.edu/acad/cipr/indexGeneral.php?filtre=FISI04


Customer service hours: Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. (except June and July). August closed.



Faculty of Physics

Martí and Franquès, 1-11

08028 Barcelona