University of Barcelona

Information for the student – Contemporary Thought and Classical Tradition

Course curriculum


This master's degree consists of a compulsory common core and three specializations: Classical Thought, Modern Thought and Contemporary Thought. Students must choose one of these specializations when submitting their pre-enrolment applications.
The common core consists of two cross-disciplinary subjects (one of them basically methodological) and other subjects that correspond to each of the historical periods under study, with a projection to all of them. These add up to a total of 25 credits.
The remaining credits, up to the total of 60, must be completed by choosing 10 credits between optional and compulsory subjects in the student's specialization; 10 additional credits must be chosen between optional subjects of the same specialization (or 5 credits in the same specialization and 5 optional credits of another specialization), and finally students must create and defend a research assignment (Final project), which consists of 15 credits.
