University of Barcelona

Spanish as a Foreign Language in Professional Environments (currently being replaced)

Course curriculum

To obtain the master's degree in Spanish as a Foreign Language in Professional Environments, students must successfully complete 60 credits of face-to-face training, the 12 credits corresponding to the in-company or institutional placement, and the 18 credits corresponding to the final project.

The programme is divided into the following modules:

1. Fundamental Principles of Spanish as a Foreign Language in Professional Environments, with a total study load of 42 credits, comprising seven 6-credit compulsory subjects. Students must complete all of the subjects.

2. Additional Training in Spanish as a Foreign Language in Professional Environments, comprising twelve 3-credit optional subjects. Students must complete six of the twelve subjects.

3. In-company or Institutional Placement, with an equivalent study load of 12 credits, designed to give students first-hand experience of professional practice. The placement is carried out at a company or institution whose primary activity is directed related to the field of Spanish as a foreign language.

4. Final Project, which consists of a research-based project on a topic related to the subjects completed during the master's degree and the associated research areas.