University of Barcelona

Spanish as a Foreign Language in Professional Environments (currently being replaced)

Career opportunities

The aim of the master's degree in Spanish as a Foreign Language in Professional Environments is to prepare highly qualified specialists for the job market. The syllabus therefore includes work placements, which provide first-hand professional experience in companies or institutions directly involved in the use of Spanish as a foreign language.

The main career opportunities are:
- Teacher of Spanish as a foreign language.
- Designer and editor of educational materials for the teaching of Spanish as a foreign language.
- Manager of language consultancy centres.
- Language consultant.
- Specialist in the application of information and communication technologies to the teaching and learning of Spanish.

The master's degree is also the ideal preparation for the University of Barcelona's area of specialization Varieties of Spanish in Professional Environments and in Spanish as a Foreign Language of the doctoral programme Linguistics, Literary and Cultural Studies of the Faculty of Philology and Communication.