University of Barcelona

Specialized Communication


There are no current exchange agreements between the master’s degrees offered at the Faculty and other programmes. In addition to Erasmus grants, students at the University of Barcelona have access to a range of other grants and financial aid options:

Financial aid for participation in international mobility programmes

These grants are awarded by the University of Barcelona and are available to university master’s degree students who have been offered a temporary placement at another university or a specific placement for initial research training.

Grants under the Bancaja and Banco Santander international scholarship programme

These grants are awarded for travel. They are open to University of Barcelona students who have been selected to study temporarily at another university under one of the following programmes: Erasmus, the Coïmbra Group programme or specific mobility programmes with foreign universities.

Financial support from the Agency for the Administration of University and Research Grants (AGAUR)

The Government of Catalonia, through the AGAUR, organizes an annual call for funding requests that awards grants to cover the partial costs of periods of study abroad under international mobility programmes.

Complementary grant for living costs, awarded under the general and mobility grants programme of the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science

These are grants awarded by the Government of Catalonia to students entitled to receive the general mobility grant offered by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science. Students at foreign universities located a long way from their permanent residence may also apply for a supplementary grant to cover some of their living costs.

Other forms of financial aid for master’s degree students

Grants available to University of Barcelona students who meet the specific requirements established in each case.
