University of Barcelona

Spanish as a Foreign Language: Research and Professional Practices

Final project

The MA dissertation (18 ECTS) consists in carrying out a monitored investigation about a topic which has to be related with learning/acquisition of Spanish as a Foreign Language. The selected topic has to be interwoven also with Master subject contents and has to be suitable to show advanced theoretic knowledge about proposed topics and investigation methods applied in Spanish as a foreign language studies. Furthermore, the MA dissertation offers an opportunity to get in contact with research groups and programs where master teachers work in. The paper cannot be presented in another UB master or academic institution before.

The MA dissertation has to be done under the direction and supervision of a tutor who has to be a Master teacher. Moreover, that tutor will be the responsible for showing the paper features to the student, guiding and ensuring compliance with the goals laid down and authorizing its presentation.

The master coordinating commission will be able to authorize the management and supervision of the paper by more than one tutor. Only in exceptional cases the master coordinating commission will be able to authorize an external master tutor as a MA dissertation tutor. In this case, that tutor will have to share the mentorship with a Master teacher staff tutor.

UB regulations

Projects should be carried out as research assignments: 
