University of Barcelona

Spanish as a Foreign Language: Research and Professional Practices

Career opportunities

The aim of the master's degree is to prepare highly qualified specialists in the area of SFL/L2 in professional contexts for the job market. For this purpose, the master's degree includes external placements in the course plan. Placements bring students closer to working in the profession in a company or institution that is directly related with the field of Spanish as a foreign language.
The main career opportunities are:
- Teacher of Spanish as a foreign language
- Designer and editor of educational materials for the teaching of Spanish as a foreign language.
- Language consultant.
- Manager of language consulting centres.
- Specialist in the application of ICT to the teaching of Spanish.
The master's degree has also been defined as a path to enter the specialisation Varieties of Spanish in Professional Areas and SFL, from the doctoral programme Linguistic, Literary and Cultural Studies of the Faculty of Philology and Communication.