Teaching language

The official teaching languages at Universitat de Barcelona are Catalan and Spanish as coofficial languages in Catalonia.

In some bachelor’s and master’s degrees part of the teaching can be delivered in other languages such as English, German, Dutch, etc.


No student with language levels lower that those specified in this section can be accepted.


All foreign students must have at least a B2 of Spanish or a B2 level of Catalan.
For students who only want to take subjects from the bachelor in English Studies, they must demonstrate a B2 level of English and a B2 level of Spanish.
In these cases, students must verify that all courses taken are taught in English. Access to courses taught in any other language besides English is not allowed.
No student can be accepted for subjects taught in English if they do not meet the Spanish or Catalan language requirement.

In cases where students have a B2 level of Catalan, it is not necessary to demonstrate any level of Spanish.

All students who wish to take any subject in English must have an English level equal to or higher than B2.
In cases where students do not need to take any subject taught in English, no certificate is required.

All students must truthfully certify that they meet the required language levels.
All submitted documents must clearly state the language and level achieved according to the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).
Accepted documentation:

  • Language certificate issued by an official language school.
  • Language certificate issued by a university language school.
  • Accreditation document drafted by a competent university department in language matters.
  • Courses taken within the student's degree program (as listed in the transcript) with a brief written statement from the responsible professor indicating the level achieved.

Students who need or wish to may attend the language courses offered through the Universitat de Barcelona.

These courses can be included in the student’s Learning Agreement.

The courses are taught by the Linguistic Services.
More information.

The courses are taught by the Institute of Hispanic Studies.
More information.

For students conditionally accepted with a B1 level of Spanish it is mandatory to present a copy of the course registration.

Other languages
Courses in other languages (English, German, French, Italian, Persian) are taught in the Modern Languages School.
More information.
