Registration changes
Modificacions dintre del període de matrícula
Deadline: 12 September to 9 October
Hours: from 00:00 am on 12 September to 24:00 am on 9 October, uninterrupted
Place: automatrícula on-line
Observations: modifications can always be made within the limits established by the rules of permanence.
This registration change generates a new financial settlement that replaces or complements the previous one and the University will pay the student the difference that may be made in their favour.
If the modified enrolment is higher than the original enrolment, a receipt will be generated to pay for the difference, which will have to be made effective to the banking institution, within 7 days (the remaining unpaid receipts, if any, will keep their original expiration date).
If the modified enrolment is less than the original enrolment, a receipt to return will be generated. It will then be necessary to request the return through the personal space if the enrolment is already paid, or to go to the Secretariat to regularise pending receipts.
Important: Since enrolment at the Faculty of Philology and Communication is of annual type, changes to the enrolment deadline of February 2024 will not be possible, only an extension of subjects (with payment of the corresponding amount) and annulment of subjects for personal interest (with no return of the amounts paid)