Registration changes

Modificacions dintre del període de matrícula

Deadline: 12 September to 9 October

Hours: from 00:00 am on 12 September to 24:00 am on 9 October, uninterrupted

Place: automatrícula on-line

Observations: modifications can always be made within the limits established by the rules of permanence.

This registration change generates a new financial settlement that replaces or complements the previous one and the University will pay the student the difference that may be made in their favour.

  • If the modified enrolment is higher than the original enrolment, a receipt will be generated to pay for the difference, which will have to be made effective to the banking institution, within 7 days (the remaining unpaid receipts, if any, will keep their original expiration date).

    If the modified enrolment is less than the original enrolment, a receipt to return will be generated. It will then be necessary to request the return through the personal space if the enrolment is already paid, or to go to the Secretariat to regularise pending receipts.


Important: Since enrolment at the Faculty of Philology and Communication is of annual type, changes to the enrolment deadline of February 2024 will not be possible, only an extension of subjects (with payment of the corresponding amount) and annulment of subjects for personal interest (with no return of the amounts paid)

Students may request the removal or addition of license plate subjects already performed within the established deadlines. Before that, you must be aware of the payment of expired receipts. Students will have to pay the amount of the credits they increase without having the right to refund the amounts paid for the credits they have cancelled or modified.

Below is the information about the modifications you can request:

During the enrolment calendar, you have a specific period to request a change of group (after you are enrolled):

From 12 September to 9 October 2023

  • You must first try making changes through the automation system itself. Make changes and finish the process so they are set
    In case you do not find room in the group you need, you must submit an instance (addressed to the course manager) <instància> to Secretariat, either in person (always by appointment) or by emailing it to


IMPORTANT: Heu d’adjuntar còpia del contracte de feina o justificant horari que acrediti la incompatibilitat horària que justifica el canvi de grup.

From 10 to 31 October 2023



From 3 February to 7 March 2023

Within this term, the Faculty opens each course a period of modifications (adition and/or annulment) via the online automation pathway that will be published in due course on this page. It is a period addressed to students enrolled in the 2022/2023 course and with active enrolment.

Period of second semester enrolment modifications (annulment and/or addition of second semester subjects) 2022-23: 


  • Overrides or assignment additions and group changes

According to the UB's economic enrolment regulations, students may modify the enrolled groups for second-quarter subjects and/or request the annulment or addiction of second-quarter subjects from 3 February to 7 March 2023, bearing in mind that:

For any type of modification, it will be necessary to pay the management rate of the academic second quarter record, of 27.27,, (with the exception of group changes) and respect the permanence rules of the UB.

It will always be necessary to maintain the type of tuition that was initially formalized (ordinary, large family, etc.).

The form of payment, if applicable, will be mandatory in cash (with the payment receipt that you will be printing, you must make the payment to the banking entity, in the terms corresponding to the chosen payment form).

From the 2020/2021 course, if a subject registered for the first time is cancelled out of personal interest and the student is a fellow (or with conditional enrolment for a fellow) the receipt will be generated to pay for it.



From 3 to 24 February:

By auto-matrix, accessing it by Personal Space

  • Group changes (if the group is full and you have documentary justification, you can request the change by instance sent or presented in person to the Secretariat by appointment, until 24 February)
    Add assignments (ordinary or recognized)
    Allocation Override (Student must pay the amount of credits he or she expands, without being entitled to refund amounts paid for credits he or she has cancelled

Application Access Day and Time

From 25 February to 7 March:

Add or override subjects

Since enrolment at the Faculty of Philology and Communication is annual and no places are offered in the February call for bachelor's degree courses, new enrolments from the 2022/2023 course in February will not be accepted for bachelor's degree students.

In all cases, you will need to be aware of the payment of expired enrolment receipts before requesting the modification. This change in tuition generates a new financial settlement that replaces or supplements the previous one and the student must pay the amount of credits he or she increases without having the right to refund the amounts paid for the credits he or she has cancelled or modified. The dean or director of the center resolves the modification request. The resolution determines the economic and academic effects of the amendment.

However, as stated in the previous paragraph, if the causes of the modification are not attributable to the student, or are the result of a serious illness of the duly accredited student, the amount paid for credits that have been cancelled or modified may be returned.

In the case of modifications and/or expansions of tuition made from 25 January 2024, the student must pay the price per dossier management provided in the price decree of the Government of Catalonia for this concept.

Changing the enrolment must ensure that what is laid down in the applicable rules of residence is complied with.

If, as a result of any change in tuition, the student must make a new payment to the UB, it is always made in a single receipt and must be made within seven calendar days following the date of the modification. Only in the case of modifications arising from decisions on scholarship denied or refusal of the AGAUR loan will a payment procedure be established, if applicable, and depending on the dates, in terms of deadlines.
