Office of General Affairs

Sra. Mercè Guisado Benjumea

  • Manage matters related to personnel: proposals for calls for access to the ordinary and contracted PDI, management of commissions and candidates for academic and contracted staff, drawing up contracts for the contracted PDI, recruitment proposals for the temporary PAS.
  • Manage the Teaching Staff Dedication Plan.
  • Manage permits and licenses (without financial impact) and PAS time management.
  • Prepare and manage the budget: invoicing, income and operating payments.
  • Manage spaces, minor works and repairs (including scientific equipment), and monitor the condition of facilities.
  • Take care of the mail.
  • Take care of inventory, travel, management of material purchases, foreign currency, postgraduate expenses and own degrees.
  • Manage the contents of the center's website.
  • Collect and supply data.
  • Support the organization of institutional events.
  • Liaise with user service points.
  • Collaborate with the Marketing unit for external financing and advertising campaigns.

From Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Wednesday afternoons from 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. (from September 15 to May 31) with prior appointment send email:


