Offer of places

When there are places available by prior agreement, the Faculty of Philology and Communication will publish the offers indicating the professional activity of the entity, the tasks that will be carried out, the deadlines for submitting the application and the requirements for each place.

The student can present the acceptance document from an institution (Intership confirmation) that he has sought on his own initiative. The proposal must be accepted by the academic coordination of external practices of the Faculty of Philology and Communication. This acceptance will be conditional on the suitability of the entity and the tasks.

There are currently no active offers

Where to look for offers for international places?

"Erasmus+ internships" is a modality of the Erasmus+ European Union program for students to carry out internships in institutions and companies in the 33 participating countries (28 member countries of the European Union plus Norway, Liechtenstein, Iceland, Turkey and Macedonia).

European institutions and diplomatic representations cannot be selected as entities to carry out international internships.

It is necessary for the student to contact, before making the request, directly with the institution or company that interests him to obtain the prior acceptance document (Intership confirmation). This document must be submitted together with the application.

The student can consult the following links to find international internship offers:

  1. Feina UB (Servei d'Atenció a l'Estudiant UB)
  2. ErasmusIntern (UE)
  4. Global Placement 
  5. JOE+: Job Of­fer Exchange plat­form of LEO-NET 
  6. Portal de Universia 
  7. Red EURES 
  8. Red IAGORA 

It must be borne in mind that the offer proposed by the student must be accepted by the academic coordination of external practices of the Faculty of Philology and Communication.

When writing the curriculum that will have to be sent to the institution, the student can attend the free workshop organized fortnightly by the Student Services on how to prepare a curriculum. There is also a model of European curriculum. It is recommended to use the language of the destination country and take care of the presentation.
