New students: admission and access

In order to enrol in a doctoral program of the Faculty of Philology and Communication, admission and access must be obtained first, through the corresponding computer application.
Admission periods and access to doctoral studies at the Faculty of Philology and Communication

Admission to the doctoral programme is the responsibility of the academic committee of each programme. You must contact the coordinator of the doctoral programme, or of the line, if it is the program of linguistic, literary and cultural studies, in which you are interested.

Once you have exchanged basic information with program or line coordination, you will have to formalize, through the computer application implemented on the Faculty website for this purpose, the application for admission.

Through the application, you will apply for admission, provide the documentation accrediting the academic requirements that the program requires and, if applicable, you will obtain the admission resolution.

Academic admission will be governed by the requirements and merits that each program has agreed to and, in any case, by the number of places offered.

Once you have obtained admission to the program, you will have to continue the procedure and formalize the application for admission. Access is approved by the dean of the Faculty, and in order to obtain it you need to record documentally that the level of previous studies you have reached is sufficient to access Spanish doctoral studies. Obtaining access will in all cases make it conditional upon obtaining admission and authorisation to complete the enrolment.

Access to doctoral studies is valid for any of the doctoral programmes offered by the Faculty of Philology. Academic admission only allows matriculation in the program that has authorized it.

To consult access routes and supporting documentation.

  • Be in possession of official Spanish degrees, or equivalent, and a university master's degree, or equivalent, as long as at least 300 ECTS credits have been passed in both courses (VM).
  • Be in possession of official Spanish university degrees or Spanish equivalent degrees, as long as they have passed at least 300 ECTS credits in all of these courses and demonstrate a level 3 of the Spanish Qualifications Framework for Higher Education (MECES) ( VF).
  • Be in possession of another doctoral degree (VD).
  • Be in possession of the specialist title in Health Sciences or certificate of having passed with positive evaluation at least two years of training without having the specialty title (VS).
  • Be in possession of the diploma of advanced studies obtained in accordance with the provisions of Royal Decree 778/1998, of April 30 (V2).
  • Be in possession of the attesting certificate of research sufficiency regulated in Royal Decree 185/1985, of January 23 (V3).

To consult:

Access routes and supporting documentation

The dates on which you can apply for access and register enter here.

  • Be in possession of a degree that accredits a level 7 of the European Qualifications Framework, provided that the degree entitles you to access doctoral studies in the sending country (VX).
  • Be in possession of a degree obtained in accordance with foreign educational systems outside the European higher education area, with prior verification by the University that a level of training equivalent to that of the official degree is an accredited university master's degree in Spanish and that it allows access to doctoral studies in the country where the degree is issued (VY).
  • Be in possession of a doctoral degree (VZ).


Documentation and rate of equivalence study of foreign studies

As is usual in these cases, all documents must be officially translated (if they are in language other than Catalan, Spanish or English) and legalized. For information on foreign document requirements, see here. Request for equivalence study of foreign studies for access to doctoral programs involves payment of a fee (see amount in Other fees).

To consult:

Access routes and supporting documentation

The dates on which you can apply for access and register enter here.

