
  • Period of enrolment modifications within the period set by center

    Within the period established annually by the corresponding center for bachelor's degree courses for master's degree courses, students may request the deletion, change or addition of subjects to the enrolment already carried out. This change in tuition generates a new financial settlement that replaces or complements the previous one, in which case the UB pays the student the difference that may be made in their favour.

  • Override and add assignments: 

    From 23 to 31 October 2023

    The amendment will not have an economic cost (unless credits are added to those in the previous enrolment) and will always have to respect the permanence rules.

    The application must be accompanied by the document approving the changes signed by the coordination of the master's degree.

    Procedure access

    Period of second semester enrolment modifications (annulment and/or addition of second semester assignments) 2023-24:

  • Period addressed to students enrolled in the 2023/2024 course and with active enrolment.
  • From 5 February to 7 March 2024

  • Period addressed to students enrolled in the 2022/2023 course and with active enrolment.


    Allocation overrides and/or additions
    According to the UB's economic enrolment regulations, students may modify the enrolled groups for second-quarter subjects and/or request the annulment or addiction of second-quarter subjects from 5 February to 7 March 2024, bearing in mind that:

    For any kind of modification, you will have to pay the management rate of the academic second quarter record, of 27.27,, (with the exception of group changes) and respect the UB permanence regulations.

    Students must pay the amount of credits they are extending, without having the right to refund the amounts paid for the credits of which they request annulment.

    It will always be necessary to maintain the type of tuition that was initially formalized (ordinary, large family, etc.).

    The form of payment, if applicable, will be mandatory in cash (with the payment receipt that you will be printing, you must make the payment to the banking entity, in the terms corresponding to the chosen payment form).

    As of the 2020/2021 course, if a subject registered for the first time is cancelled out of personal interest and the student is a fellow (or with conditional enrolment for a fellow) the receipt will be generated to pay for it.

  • TERM:

    From 5 February to 7 March 2024:

  • Addition (ordinary or recognized) and Allotment Override of Q2.

  • The request must be accompanied by the approval document for the changes signed by the master's coordinator.

    Access to the procedure

    Along with the application, you must upload an authorization document for the master's degree coordination.