
The Faculty

The Faculty of Philology and Communication of the University of Barcelona is located in the Historic Building next to Plaça Universitat, one of the most central landmarks of the city.

The Faculty hosts more than three thousand students and has more than three hundred professors. Its teaching offer includes ten bachelor's degrees, along with master's and postgraduate degrees and doctoral programmes. The study of languages and literatures in the Faculty of Philology and Communication boasts the reputation of a long tradition that has been enriched with an effective adaptation to new technologies, as shown by its numerous research and teaching innovation groups.

Training opportunities

  • Gran diversitat de títols de grau.
  • Docència impartida per professorat altament qualificat.
  • Àmplia oferta de llengües, amb la possibilitat d'estudiar-ne dues alhora o més.
  • Possibilitat de combinar feina i estudis a temps parcial.
  • Orientació específica per als estudiants de nou ingrés.
  • Possibilitat de fer pràctiques en empreses.
  • Programes de mobilitat nacional i internacional.
  • Beques i ajuts.