Extraordinary master's degree award

According to the Normative for the award of extraordinary prizes of the official university master's degree courses of the University of Barcelona, approved by the Governing Council Academic Commission of 8 June 2011 and by the Governing Council of 19 July 2011, the Faculty of Philology and Communication opens annually, between late November and early December of each year, the call for the achievement of the Special Master's Prize.

All students who have completed their studies can be presented in one of the master's degree courses taught and managed by the Faculty of Philology and Communication during the course of the call, and who also meet the following requirements:

  • Have processed and awarded the corresponding master's degree.
  • Having obtained, at the end of the course, an average mark equal to or greater than 9.0.

For the award of the prizes, only the qualifications of the subjects in the student's academic record are valued (the master's degree work has an assignment character for these effects. The additional work or studies carried out by the student and the transferred credits are not taken into account. The corresponding center board (the Commission of Official Masters and Postgraduates Propis, delegate of the Board of Faculty of Philology and Communication) establishes the objective criteria for awarding the prizes and appoints a commission to assess the dossiers composed of three members, who must be professors at the University of Barcelona belonging to the departments linked to teaching and the degree of doctor, except for the teachings taught exclusively by university schools.

The total number of extraordinary prizes that can be awarded for each master's degree and call-up course is one prize every 15 students or fraction of 15 who opt, according to the criteria established above.

The call for extraordinary awards of the corresponding master's degree remains open between the end of November and the end of December each year.

The final approval of the awards corresponds to the Governing Council of the University of Barcelona, based on the proposals of each center.

Resolved the call and upon receipt of the final resolution, the Secretariat communicates the award to the students who have received it, who will be summoned at the award ceremony, by the UB Rector's Cabinet.
