Each academic year can be awarded extraordinary prizes for the different official bachelor's degree courses taught by the University of Barcelona. The award of the prizes is governed by the Normative for the award of the extraordinary prizes of the official degree teachings of the University of Barcelona approved by the Governing Council of 19 July 2011.
The students of the University of Barcelona and the affiliated centres may be eligible for the extraordinary prizes if they have completed their studies in any of the calls established for the corresponding academic year, regardless of the year in which they started them.
For the award of the prizes, only the qualifications of the subjects of the student's academic record are valued. To this end, the additional work or studies carried out by the student and the transferred credits are not taken into account.
Extraordinary awards are awarded to all students who have completed their studies in the course prior to the one in which the prize is awarded with an average mark equal to or above 9.0, calculated according to the rules applicable at the time.
In those teachings where no student has obtained an average mark of 9.0 or higher, calculated according to the current regulations, the center must propose awarding an extraordinary prize to a maximum of one student among the top five academic records with an average mark of 8.5 or higher, according to the criteria established above.
The Board of the Faculty of Philology appoints a commission to assess the files of these students composed of three members of the University of Barcelona, doctors and linked to the bachelor's degree course of any one.
The definitive award of the extraordinary prize is approved by the Governing Council of the University of Barcelona.
The achievement of the extraordinary prize must be reflected in the title, in accordance with what is legally established at each moment.