
Employment and Work is the unit of each faculty or school of the UB in charge of managing employability, employment and job placement services for students and graduates.

Students and graduates can find information on all activities related to employment and employability, and indicators, reports and data on job placement and international labor mobility.Els estudiants i graduats hi poden trobar la informació sobre totes les activitats relacionades amb l’ocupació i l’ocupabilitat, i els indicadors, informes i dades sobre inserció laboral i mobilitat laboral internacional.

This office is part of the Employment Service of the University of Barcelona (SOUB) and aims to promote projects, activities, training and actions of different types aimed at working towards an improvement in the orientation and employment insertion of UB students and graduates. It also aims to facilitate direct contact with students and graduates for companies and organizations, and to provide them with tools to promote job offers in our community.

All graduates of the faculty who want information regarding employment and job placement should contact Alumni UB as a matter of priority.
