Informative sessions
Tribute to Dr. Jacqueline Hurtley
On Friday, March 1st from 10 a.m., the tribute will take place which has been promoted by the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures and English Studies of the Faculty of Philology and Communication of the University of Barcelona
The Department of Modern Languages and Literatures and English Studies of the Faculty of Philology and Communication has organized a tribute to Professor Jacqueline Hurtley. The event will take place on Friday, March 1st, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., in the Gabriel Oliver Room of the Faculty of Philology and Communication. During the course of the day, the book Josep Janés i Oliver: periodista (1930-1938), edited by Dra. Hurtley, and then a tribute table will be held where former students, colleagues and various collaborators of the professor will participate.
Professor of English Language Literature, Jacqueline Hurtley obtained her doctorate at the University of Barcelona in 1983 with a thesis entitled "La literatura inglesa del siglo XX en la España de la postguerra: la aportación de José Janés", focused on the task publishing house of Josep Janés during the years of the Second Republic and the period after the Spanish Civil War, a line of research that has accompanied her throughout her entire period as a teacher and researcher.
One of the important milestones of his academic career has been obtaining the "Premio de Investigación Enrique García y Díez" from the "Asociación Española de Estudios Anglonorteamericanos" (AEDEAN) for his book José Janés: editor of English literature in the year 1992. He also received the Book Award in the category of cultural studies, awarded by the European Society for the Study of English (ESSE) in 2014. He was awarded the prize for the biography Walter Starkie: an Odyssey, published in 2013 in Dublin by the publishing house Four Courts Press.
He has contributed several chapters to the publications in the Reception of British Authors in Europe series: on the reception of Virginia Woolf, D.H. Lawrence and Joseph Conrad in Catalonia, Walter Pater in Spain and W.B. Yeats in Catalonia, Galicia and the Basque Country. She is also co-author in the same series of a chapter on George Eliot in Catalonia. He has supervised research projects funded by both the Spanish and Catalan governments. Hurtley was founding editor of BELLS magazine (Barcelona English Language and Literature Studies), organized three international conferences in the Department, and in 2013 co-organized a celebration of the centenary of the life and work of Josep Janés i Olivé at the Institut d 'Catalan Studies. He also founded and co-directed the Creative Writing courses "Escriure és Creure és Creure" and was Head of Department from 2001 to 2005. Among other works, in recent years he has co-edited a volume of writings about Spain by the Irish writer Hannah Lynch (2018).