
The seminar "Communication and Politics" reflects on the relation between communicative facts and political power

News | 19-11-2019

For the first time, the Faculty of Philology and Communication will dedicate a series of sessions to the study of political communication. This is the seminar “Communication and Politics”, a chance to reflect, debate on and discover studies on issues such as storytelling in politics, treatment of politics seen from fiction and the relation between communication and political powers, among others. The objective of this first edition is to share and debate on the relation between the concepts of communication and politics, which are usually unrelated but which can be analysed from several perspectives.

These sessions will be structured into two master conferences and three topics: Construction of storytelling in politics, Fiction and politics, and the Languages of politics. Several key figures in the field of political and institutional communication will participate in the sessions: Luis Arroyo, founder and president of the advisory agency Asesores de Comunicación Pública and author of works such as El poder político en escena and Frases como puños, and Carlo Alonso, director-general of the advisory agency La Fábrica de los Discursos. These sessions will take place in the room Joan Maragall (Edifici Històric) and Gabriel Oliver (Josep Carner building).  

A look into the political reality from a fictional perspective

On November 20, the room Gabriel Oliver will hold the presentation of several communications given by researchers from the Faculty of Philology and Communication on the treatment of politics from fiction, especially in cinema and TV series. Afterwards, there will be a debate with some screenwriters from the TV shows Polònia and Està Passant, from Televisió de Catalunya, two successful shows which treat politics from a humoristic perspective.

A research group on the analysis of spoken interaction and political communication

The Group of Multidisciplinary Analysis of Speech and Political Communication was born in 2017 in the former Faculty of Philology as a recognized group by the Catalan Government. Through its research, the group aims to advance in the analysis of political communication from the view on the construction of speech and storytelling but also looking at the media and communication technologies as essential elements for its analysis.

You can read the program of the sessions here.
