
The Faculty hosts a new edition of the Research Training Week

News | 20-11-2023

From November 24th to December 1st, a new edition of this proposal will be held, bringing together different training activities promoted by some research lines of the Faculty's doctoral programs

The Faculty of Philology and Communication launches a new edition of the Research Training Week, a proposal that consists of the organization of several training and informative workshops aimed at students of the Linguistic, Literary and Cultural Studies, History of Science and Cognitive Science and Language doctoral programs.

From November 24th to December 1st, a set of activities will take place, such as thesis workshops in which students will publicly present the progress of their doctoral theses, round tables, seminars with specialists, conferences on the various thesis writing processes and sessions on scholarship programs and other administrative aspects.

The various lines of research in the Faculty's doctoral programs have contributed activities specific to their research areas and have integrated more transversal ones. All activities are open to PhD students from all programs and the general public.

Also linked to the Research Training Week are the days dedicated to Clear Tax Communication, of the UB DIBA Chair that will be held on November 22nd and 23rd at the Paranimf de Diputació de Barcelona, ​​and the Day of tribute to Historia de la Literatura Universal, by Martín de Riquer and José María Valverde, on November 30th in the Joan Maragall classroom.
