Statement by the Rector on the University of Barcelona closing its buildings
To all members of the UB community,
Regarding the state of alarm pronounced by the Spanish Government, and according to the exceptional measures taken by the Government of Catalonia, the University of Barcelona is minimizing its face-to-face activity.
For this reason, and according to what the Action protocol of the University of Barcelona on the COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) health alert, I made the firm decision to close the buildings of the University of Barcelona, except for essential services. As a result of this situation:
1. Starting tomorrow, March 15, all buildings and facilities of the University of Barcelona will be closed and access is forbidden except for authorized people. All scheduled activities, including exams and competitive examinations, are called off.
2. Should any urgent situation requiring access to the building occur, the General Manager’s Office -for AdSS- or the corresponding Dean’s Office -for TRS- would release an authorisation, which has to be applied to via email address (info-co
3. All face-to-face academic activities stated in the statement from March 12, 2020, continue to be suspended. The mentioned statement remains valid in everything this new statement does not contradict.
4. The University established essential services that will provide assistance in order to guarantee the functioning, maintenance and safety of equipment, animals and facilities, as well as assistance for emergencies.
5. The UB has reinforced and provided with digital tools and means to work from home. The staff will keep the necessary contact to receive, in any moment during this emergency, service orders with the aim to preserve the continuity of the essential and main services, which will be offered, as long as it is possible, by working from home.
6. The Oficina d’Assistència en Matèria de Registre (Assistance Office concerning records) will offer its services on its website.
7. The count of deadlines for the procedures of the University will be suspended as of tomorrow, March 15, 2020, until further notice.
Regarding this exceptional, critical and complex situation, I trust the staff of our University to face it with commitment, support and responsibility. Now more than ever, we have to be united, take care of yourselves, together we will manage to succeed.
We will keep you constantly updated about any news on the website and via the email address
Joan Elias