
Rector’s statement on exceptional measures during the exam period for the first semester of the academic year 2020/2021

News | 15-01-2021

Given the worsening of the epidemiological situation and the strict measures to contain the COVID-19 spread, the recently appointed rector of the UB, Joan Guàrdia, once the deans of the faculties and the Student Council have been asked, has signed a statement on the measures to take regarding the final assessment exams of the first semester of the academic year 2020/2021, as well as for any other kind of academic activity of evaluation.

The statement states that the evaluation of courses has to be carried out according to what is stated in the syllabuses, but with the necessary flexibility to turn the evaluation into a non-face-to-face activity, especially regarding those courses with a high number of enrolled students, those whose nature and content does not allow so, and whenever each centre faces a situation that requires so. If the non-face-to-face model is adopted for the evaluation, all groups of the same course are suggested that they do the same. 

For those cases in which the option of non-face-to-face evaluation is not available, or for those evaluation tests in which the change from a model to another is not possible in a short period of time, extreme protection measures must be taken. Moreover, it must be guaranteed that students, teaching staff and the administrative and service staff must have the safety instructions in advance regarding the access, exams and the exit of the building. The COVID-19 safety plans of the faculties have to be borne in mind.  

The statement also notes that centers must guarantee alternative evaluation systems for those students who cannot attend certain scheduled face-to-face assessment activity –due to a justified confinement situation or due to difficulties regarding transport given the mobility restrictions–. These alternatives can involve the modification of the date of the exam, if possible, or the evaluation system, like when students cannot carry out an assessment activity due to force majeure. 

As far as possible, when the centers choose non-face-to-face evaluations, they must respect the planned and approved calendar the examinations. In case the calendar needs to be modified, the centres must make sure the students are properly informed about it, with enough time. 
