Rector’s resolution on non-classroom assessment
The General guidelines on the teaching and assessment functioning for the academic year 2019/2020, approved by the Governing Council on April 22, predicted that “Given the possibility of not being able to carry out face-to-face assessment activities, it is necessary, as far as possible, to develop a systematic assessment that can be conducted online so as to not prevent students to be evaluated and therefore get a final score. The fact that teaching activities have to be carried out online despite not having planned this modality, urges us to modify and adopt assessment in an alternative and real way”.
Regarding the uncertainty on the evolution of this pandemic, and in agreement with the deans of the faculties of the University of Barcelona, the Rector decided to agree on a final assessment (end of continuous assessment and execution of single assessment) corresponding to the second semester of the academic year 2019/2020, in a non-classroom